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School of English - AUTh

School of English LOGO

School of English - AUTh

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Department of Translation & Intercultural Studies

Department of Translation & Intercultural Studies

Course Catalogue

     Offered during 2024-2025
G-LSUD1 Res1-120C Computer Literacy and Research Skills
G-LSUD1 Res1-220C Methodology of Research
G-LSUD1 Lit1-120C Computer Literacy and Research Skills
G-LSUD3 IntroTIS 180C Introduction to Cultural Studies
G-LSUD3 IntroTIS 350E Introduction to Interpreting Studies
G-LSUD3 IntroTIS 358E Introduction to Film
G-LSUD3 IntroTIS 390E Introduction to Visual Culture
G-LSUD2 ThApTIS214C Translation Methodology
G-LSUD3 ThApTIS 310E Translation History
G-LSUD3 ThApTIS 325E Translation and Institutions in the EU
G-LSUD3 ThApTIS 352E Literary Translation Criticism
G-LSUD2 ThApTIS 360E Landmarks in the History and Theory of Cinema
G-LSUD3 ThApTIS 398E Popular Culture: The Audio/Visual Experience
G-LSUD4 ThApTIS 412E Intercultural Communication
G-LSUD4 ThApTIS 414E Translation Theory
G-LSUD4 ThApTIS421E Translation Theory: Cultural and Interdisciplinary Approaches
G-LSUD4 ThApTIS 422E Children’s Literature in Translation
G-LSUD4 ThApTIS 424E Semiotics and Rhetoric
G-LSUD4 ThApTIS 468E Hollywood Renaissance
G-LSUD4 ThApTIS 478E Adaptation from Text to Screen
G-LSUD4 ThApTIS 480E Representations of Translation/Interpreting in Literature and Film
G-LSUD4 ThApTIS 481E Music in Social Movements
G-LSUD4 ThApTIS 485E Hollywood Film Genres
G-LSUD4 ThApTIS 488E Narratology in Cinema and the Novel
G-LSUD4 ThApTIS 491E Film, Culture and Education
G-LSUD3 PraTIS 301E General Text Translation Workshop
G-LSUD3 PraTIS 306E Economic Translation Workshop
G-LSUD3 PraTIS 311E Literary Translation
G-LSUD3 PraTIS 322E Scientific / Technical Translation Workshop
G-LSUD3 PraTIS 323E Interlingual Audiovisual Translation
G-LSUD3 PraTIS 324E Media Accessibility and Audiovisual Translation
G-LSUD3 PraTIS 353E Representations of Gender and Sexuality in Literary Translation
G-LSUD3 PraTIS 394E Special topics: Collaborative translation and project management
G-LSUD3 PraTIS 403E Theatre Translation
G-LSUD4 TranInter405E Interpreting Practice I
G-LSUD3 TechTIS 406E Subtitling Practice
G-LSUD3 TechTIS 320E Translation Technology
G-LSUD3 CulRes390E Supervised Research Project
G-LSUD4 ResTIS490E Supervised Research Paper
G-LSUD4 ResTIS495E Diploma Thesis