The Laboratory of Narrative Research of the School of English, AUTh invites you to
the NArts series, a cluster of workshops to explore our cognitive processes (both conscious and unconscious) and emotions. Beyond theories and critical angles of textual architectonics, storyline formulas, or degrees of finesse, the NArts workshops, brainchild of Sophia Emmanouilidou, invite participants to interact, to produce, to imagine, to envision real-life experiences as artworks.
The workshops will take place on
Thursday 20/3/2025, 11:00-16:00
in the New Philosophy Building
(Room H and School of English Library).
In more detail:
Workshop 1
Title: 'Narrating Stages' (facilitated by Katerina Kyvetou)
Language: Greek
When: 11:00-13:30
Where: Room H (New Philosophy Building Ground Floor, next to Amphitheater B)
Workshop 2
Title: 'Trash Tales' (facilitated by Sophia Emmanouilidou)
Language: English
When: 13:45-15:45
Where: School of English Library- Room 308
Workshop 3
Title: 'The Art of Storytelling in Film' (facilitated by Antonis Kitsikis)
Language: English
When: 14:00-16:30
Where: Room H (New Philosophy Building Ground Floor, next to Amphitheater B)
For more information on the workshops, facilitators and registration ways please click here.
All the LNR events are free of charge but you need to register.
For more information as regards the LNR, its aims, current and future events you can visit its website.
On behalf of the LNR
Theodora Patrona (