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Τμήμα Αγγλικής Γλώσσας
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Εκδηλώσεις Τμήματος

Εκδηλώσεις Τμήματος

Ημ/νία: 12/12/2024 
Τίτλος: Webinar Lecture on Canadian Indigenous Women - Hellenic Association for American Studies


Organized by


Thursday, 12 December, 6:00 pm–7:15 pm (GR time)
Online event hosted via Zoom for REGISTERED PARTICIPANTS ONLY

To register, please click on this link and fill in your information. The Zoom link to the event will then be emailed to you prior to the webinar date.

HELAAS is pleased to invite you to a lecture by Dr. Magdalena Paluszkiewicz-Misiaczek, Chair of the Canada Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora at Jagiellonian University, Krakow. The title of the lecture is

“Canadian Indigenous Women – Trauma and Resilience Throughout the Centuries”

Εvent abstract

The webinar will touch upon issues concerning the position of First Nations women in the pre-contact and early contact era, the life of women in the reservations and the problem of status, sexual harassment and imposed sterilisations, the activism of the truth and reconciliation commission and its impact. In order to give voice to native women themselves, Professor Paluszkiewicz-Misiaczek will draw from their own letters, diaries and testimonies.

Biographical note

Magdalena Paluszkiewicz-Misiaczek, historian and political scientist, is Associate Professor at the Chair of Canada at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland. Her scholarly interests focus on the history of North America and social policy solutions implemented in Canada and the USA, with special emphasis on the evolution of the social care system catering to the needs of war and foreign mission veterans, historical changes of the status of women as well as Canadian and US policy towards Aboriginal Peoples.

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