This course focuses on the interdisciplinary study of urban space with particular attention paid to major post-1945 American cities (New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco etc.). With urbanism developing in tandem with major social, environmental and political challenges, students will be invited to approach urban spaces or cityscapes as real, imagined, dystopic, technological/digital, politically subversive, artistic, and ecological places whose development is intertwined with the experiences of its residents. This course will be combined with various initiatives of the “Urban Environments in Transition” project ( Course objectives: In particular, students will:
Discuss and closely analyze short stories, novels, poems, films, graphic novels, online platforms, TV series.
Focus on various writing practices and textualities.
Be informed about the socio-cultural, political, environmental and artistic trends that relate to the “texts” under examination.
Undertake various creative, collaborative, and comparative projects.
Converse with guest speakers.
Use online tools.
Develop critical and creative thinking in research.
Assessment: Presentations, reports, creative projects and/or final exam
Coursebook: Bibliography and reading material will be made available via the Elearning platform.