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School of English LOGO

School of English - AUTh

School of English LOGO

School of English - AUTh

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G-LSUD1 Lang101 Language Mastery I

G-LSUD1 Lang101 Language Mastery I

Compulsory | Teaching hours: 4 | Credits: 3 | ECTS: 6


This course adopts an all-embracing approach regarding foreign language (FL) learning.

The role of the course instructors is to:

To this end, various methodologies, materials, techniques, activities, tasks, games, etc. will be used to involve the students in and imbibe them with this all-embracing, ever-present concept of learning. While it is now generally accepted by educationalists that each student has her/his own relationship with the language she/he is learning, the emphasis of the lessons is to make each student aware of this individual particularity, so that each can work out the best way for them to view, encounter and continue learning the FL.

The instructors will assume that upon entry to the university, students already possess knowledge about the language (structures, grammar, vocabulary, etc.). Their role will be to ensure that the students learn to reflect on their knowledge of the FL and monitor how they use it so that they can perform effectively, both orally and in writing.

During the semester, the instructors will involve the students and invite them to improvise and react spontaneously in language learning situations and in this way increase their alertness to language use.

While much of what will be used in the lessons will be based on descriptive and narrative texts, along with comparing and contrasting, the course will lay the foundations for applying the principles to higher language learning and academic writing.

Corpus is available.

Limit of absences: 5

Assessment: Grades will be awarded on the basis of a system of continuous assessment. In particular:

  1. Reading skills (20% of final grade)
  2. Writing skills (50% of final grade)
  3. Speaking/Listening skills(30% of final grade)


Winter aTuesday09:00 11:0001 í.ð. Dalpanagioti Thomi
Winter aFriday09:00 11:0001 í.ð. Dalpanagioti Thomi
Winter bTuesday18:00 20:0001 í.ð. Vogiatzis Nikolaos
Winter bThursday09:00 11:0001 í.ð. Vogiatzis Nikolaos
Winter cMonday16:00 18:00112 ð.ê. Bardzokas Valandis
Winter cThursday16:00 18:00112 ð.ê. Bardzokas Valandis
Winter dWednesday18:30 20:3001 í.ð. Psoma Theodora
Winter dFriday18:30 20:3001 í.ð. Psoma Theodora
Winter eTuesday16:00 18:0001 í.ð. Vogiatzis Nikolaos
Winter eThursday11:00 13:0001 í.ð. Vogiatzis Nikolaos
Winter fMonday18:00 20:00112 ð.ê. Bardzokas Valandis
Winter fThursday18:30 20:30112 ð.ê. Bardzokas Valandis
Winter gMonday09:00 11:0001 í.ð. Efstathiadi Lia
Winter gWednesday11:00 13:0001 í.ð. Efstathiadi Lia
Winter hWednesday13:30 15:3001 í.ð. Chostelidou Theodora
Winter hThursday13:30 15:30112 ð.ê. Chostelidou Theodora

Course files

Course Outline