Tatiani Rapatzikou
Professor - Department of American Literature and Culture
308ΣΤ |
+30 2310 997414 |
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Tatiani Rapatzikou is Professor at the Department of American Literature and Culture, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh).
She holds a B.A. from the Department English Language & Literature of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, an M.A. (1996) from Lancaster University in Contemporary Literary Studies and a Ph.D. (2001) in Contemporary American Literature from the University of East Anglia, Norwich, England. For her Ph.D. research, she was funded by the Board of Greek State Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y). During her Ph.D. studies, she also received the BAAS Short Term Travel Award (2000) for her research trip to the U.S. and Canada, and the Arthur Miller Centre Award (2000) for her bibliographical research.
In summer 2009, she was a
Fulbright Visiting Scholar Grantee at the M.I.T.
Comparative Media Studies program. In Spring 2012, she was a Visiting Research Scholar at the
Program in Literature at Duke University, U.S.; in winter 2016, she was a Visiting Research Scholar at the
Department of English at York University, Toronto, Canada; in winter 2022, she was a Visiting Research Scholar at University of Alberta (Augustana Campus) and York University,Toronto, Canada.
In 2020, she was awarded a Fellowship by the
Eccles Center for American Studies (British Library U.K.) for her research in on contemporary American literary production and digitality. Since the beginning of 2022-to the present day, she's a
Fulbright Greece Alumni Outreach Ambassador for AUTh. Ιn 2024, she received the
Academy of Athens Award for her bilingual monograph titled
Μπέτι Ράϊαν και Χένρι Μίλερ Αλληλογραφία 1952-1979 / Betty Ryan and Henry Miller Correspondence 1952-1979, E
Μετάφραση / Introduction-Editing-Annotations-Translation (
Καῒρειος Βιβλιοθήκη/Kaireios Library 2024).
She teaches courses and supervises research projects in 20th and 21st century American fiction and poetry with emphasis placed on the following research areas: Contemporary American Literature and Culture; Modernist & Postmodernist Poetry; Postmodern/After Postmodern Fiction; Born Digital Literature; Book Print/Digital Materialities; the Technological Uncanny (with emphasis on William Gibson's writing).