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School of English LOGO

School of English - AUTh

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School of English personnel

School of English personnel

Katerina Nicolaidis

Professor - Department of Theoretical & Applied Linguistics

306Β | +30 2310 997429 | | personal page | curriculum vitae
Office hours: MO 13:30-14:30) | TU 18:30-19:30)

Dr Katerina Nicolaidis is a Professor at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She holds a BA in English Language and Literature from Aristotle University, an MA in Theoretical Linguistics and a PhD in Phonetics from the University of Reading, UK. Prior to her employment at Aristotle University, she worked at the Department of Linguistic Sciences, University of Reading, and the Department of Speech and Language Sciences, Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh. She is the director of the Phonetics Laboratory of the School of English. She was elected President of the International Phonetic Association (IPA) in August 2023 for a four year term (2023-2027), she served as Vice-President of the IPA during 2011-2015 and as Secretary of the IPA during 2003-2011. She was also President of the Permanent Council for the Organisation of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences during 2011-2015. She teaches courses in phonetics, phonology, phonological development, and methodology for the teaching of English pronunciation. Her main research interests are in the area of experimental phonetics. She has worked for several research projects and has carried out research in normal and disordered speech production, phonological acquisition, coarticulation, articulatory variability in different speaking styles, methodology of teaching pronunciaton. She has published her research in books, journals and conference proceedings. She is currently Director of Postgraduate Studies for the MA in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics.


Journals- chapters in edited volumes

Edited books


Extended abstracts

In Work in Progress volumes  

Publications in Greek

In books

In journals  

In proceedings  

Online publications: chapters and other publications


Winter G-LSUD2 ThLing230 Phonetics - Phonology Tuesday 13:30 16:00 107
Winter G-LSUD3 ApLing332 Teaching the Pronunciation of English Monday 11:00 13:30 417
Spring G-LSUD3 ThLing330 Phonetics Monday 11:00 13:30 308 B
Spring G-LSUD4 ThLing474 Phonological Development Tuesday 16:00 18:30 107