School of English personnel
School of English personnel
Katerina Nicolaidis
Professor - Department of Theoretical & Applied Linguistics
306Β |
+30 2310 997429 |
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Dr Katerina Nicolaidis is a Professor at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She holds a BA in English Language and Literature from Aristotle University, an MA in Theoretical Linguistics and a PhD in Phonetics from the University of Reading, UK. Prior to her employment at Aristotle University, she worked at the Department of Linguistic Sciences, University of Reading, and the Department of Speech and Language Sciences, Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh. She is the director of the Phonetics Laboratory of the School of English. She was elected President of the International Phonetic Association (IPA) in August 2023 for a four year term (2023-2027), she served as Vice-President of the IPA during 2011-2015 and as Secretary of the IPA during 2003-2011. She was also President of the Permanent Council for the Organisation of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences during 2011-2015. She teaches courses in phonetics, phonology, phonological development, and methodology for the teaching of English pronunciation. Her main research interests are in the area of experimental phonetics. She has worked for several research projects and has carried out research in normal and disordered speech production, phonological acquisition, coarticulation, articulatory variability in different speaking styles, methodology of teaching pronunciaton. She has published her research in books, journals and conference proceedings. She is currently Director of Postgraduate Studies for the MA in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics.
Journals- chapters in edited volumes
- Sfakianaki,
A., Nicolaidis, K., Kafentzis, P.G. (2024) Temporal, spectral and
amplitude characteristics of the Greek fricative /s/ in hearing-impaired
and normal-hearing speech. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics,
- Koupka, G., Okalidou, A., Nicolaidis, K., Constantinidis, J. Kyriafinis, G. & Menexes, G. (2023) Voice Onset Time of Greek Stops Productions by Greek Children with Cochlear Implants and Normal Hearing. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 1-18.
- Sfakianaki, A. Nicolaidis, K. Okalidou, A. & Vlahavas, G. (2018) Coarticulatory dynamics in Greek dissylables produced by young adults with and without hearing loss. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 32, 12, 1162-1184.
- Sfakianaki, A. Nicolaidis, K. & Okalidou, A. (2016) Vowel production and intelligibility in hearing-impaired speech: evidence from Greek. Glossologia 24, 75-92.
- Nicolaidis, K. & Sfakianaki, A. (2016) Acoustic characteristics of vowels produced by Greek intelligible speakers with profound hearing impairment I: examination of vowel space. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 18, 4, 378-387.
- Nicolaidis, K. & Sfakianaki, A. (2016) Acoustic characteristics of vowels produced by Greek intelligible speakers with profound hearing impairment II: the influence of stress and context. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 18, 4, 388-401.
- Lengeris, A. & Nicolaidis, K. (2015) Effect of phonetic training on the perception of English consonants by Greek speakers in quiet and noise. POMA (Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, online journal published by the Acoustical Society of America) 22, 060002, 1-6.
- Nicolaidis, K. & Mattheoudakis, M. (2012) The PRΟ-VOC method: combining pronunciation and vocabulary teaching. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 50, 303-321.
- Nicolaidis, K. (2012) Consonant production in Greek Lombard speech: an electropalatographic study. Italian Journal of Linguistics (Rivista di Linguistica), 24, 1, 65-101.
- Syrika, A., Nicolaidis, K., Edwards, J. & Beckman, M. (2011) Acquisition of initial /s/-stop and stop-/s/ sequences in Greek. Language and Speech 54, 3, 361-386.
- Nicolaidis, K. (2010) Why is pronunciation so challenging to acquire and teach? The Journal of Applied Linguistics, Greek Applied Linguistics Association 26, 81-110.
- Nicolaidis, K. and Mattheoudakis, M. (2008) Utopia vs reality: the effectiveness of In-service training courses for EFL teachers.European Journal of Teacher Education, 31, 3, 275-288.
- Nicolaidis, K. (2007) Aspects of spatio-temporal variability during consonant production by Greek speakers with hearing impairment.Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 21, 6, 405-422.
- Νιcolaidis, K. (2006) Speech Development. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier, 2nd edition, Vol 11, 722-736.
- Mattheoudakis, M. and Nicolaidis, K. (2005) Stirring the waters: university INSET in Greece. European Journal of Teacher Education, 28, 1, 49-66.
- Nicolaidis, K. (2004) Articulatory variability during consonant production by Greek speakers with hearing impairment: an electropalatographic study. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 18, 6-8, 419-432.
- Nicolaidis, K. (2001) An electropalatographic study of Greek spontaneous speech. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 31, 1, 67-85.
- Gibbon, F. and Nicolaidis K. (1999) Palatography. In W.J. Hardcastle and N. Hewlett (eds) Coarticulation: Theory, Data and Techniques. CUP, 229-245.
- Gibbon F., Hardcastle, W.J. and Nicolaidis, K. (1993) Temporal and spatial aspects of lingual coarticulation in /kl/ sequences: a cross-linguistic investigation. Language and Speech, 36, 2/3, 261-277.
- Nicolaidis, K., Hardcastle, W. J., Marchal, A. and N. Nguyen (1993) Comparing phonetic, articulatory, acoustic and aerodynamic signal representations. In M. Cooke, S. Beet and M. Crawford (eds) Visual Representations of Speech Signals. John Wiley and Sons, 55-82.
- Hardcastle, W.J., Gibbon, F. and Nicolaidis, K. (1991) EPG data reduction methods and their implications for studies of lingual coarticulation. Journal of Phonetics, 19, 3/4, 251-266.
Edited books
- Mattheoudakis, M. & Nicolaidis, K. (eds) (2016) Selected Papers of the 21th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 5-7 April, 2013, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Νικολαϊδου, Κ. & Πήτα Ρ. (2001) Πρακτικά 1ης Ημερίδας για τη Βαρηκοΐα και την Κώφωση: Επικοινωνία, Τεχνολογία, Εκπαίδευση. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2000. Τμήμα Αγγλικής και Ψυχολογίας, ΑΠΘ. 138 σελίδες.
- Nicolaidis, K. & Mattheoudakis, M. (eds) (2000) Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Theoretical and AppliedLinguistics, 22-24 April, 1999, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. 510 σελίδες.
- Philippaki-Warburton, I., Nicolaidis, K. & Sifianou, M. (eds) (1994) Themes in Greek Linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 534 σελίδες.
- Nicolaidis, K. & Baltazani, M. (2023) Temporal determinants of phrasing in coordinated structures in Greek. Proceedings 20th ICPhS, Prague.
- Christodoulidou, P., Nicolaidis, K., Stamovlasis, D. (2023) Vowel reduction by Greek-speaking children: The effect of stress and word length. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2023, 4773-4777.
- Baltazani, M. & Nicolaidis, K. (2022) Phrasing and speech rate effects on segmental and prosodic variability in Greek. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 896-900.
- Milenova, M. & Nicolaidis, K. (2021) Spectral characteristics of Bulgarian and Greek Sibilants. Studies in Greek Lingustics, 41, 153-162.
- Nicolaidis, K. & Baltazani. M. (2021) Phonetic variability of rhotic realization: evidence from Greek voiced /Cr/ clusters. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, Patras, 5-8 September, 2019, 1526-1544.
- Nicolaidis, K. & Baltazani, M. (2021) Effects of prosodic position on the articulatory and acoustic properties of domain final /r/. Selected Papers of 24th ISTAL, Sougari, A. and Bardzokas, V. (eds).Thessaloniki, Greece, 618-644.
- Koupka, G. A., Okalidou, A., Nicolaidis, K., Konstantinidis, I. & Kyriafinis, G. (2019) Production of the voicing contrast by Greek children with cochlear implants. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing, Trento, Italy, 114-119.
- Nicolaidis, K., Sfakianaki, A, Vlahavas, G. & Kafentzis, G. (2019) An acoustic analysis of Greek voiceless stops. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia, 1184-1188.
- Lengeris, A. & Nicolaidis, K. (2016) The identification and production of English consonants by Greek listeners. Selected Papers of the 21st International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Thessaloniki, Greece. 211-223.
- Sfakianaki, A. & Nicolaidis, K. (2016) Acoustic aspects of segmental and suprasegmental productions of Greek hearing-impaired speech: A qualitative analysis. Selected Papers of the 21st International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics,Thessaloniki, Greece, 401-425.
- Chionidou, A. & Nicolaidis, K. (2015) voice onset time production in Albanian and Greek initial voiceless stops. Albanohellenica, 6, 1-12.
- Nicolaidis, K., Pananikolaou, G., Kainada, E. & Avdelidis, K. (2015). SpeakGreek: An online speech training tool for L2 pedagogy and clinical intervention. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK.
- Chionidou, A. & Nicolaidis, K. (2015) Voice onset time in bilingual Greek-German children. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK.
- Batazani, M., Kainada, E., Lengeris, A. & Nicolaidis, K. (2015) The prenuclear field matters: Questions and statements in Standard Modern Greek. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow,UK.
- Nicolaidis, K. & Baltazani, M. (2014) An investigation of acoustic and articulatory variability during rhotic production in Greek. Selected papers, 11th International Congerence on Greek Linguistics, Rhodes, Greece, 1192-1207.
- Lengeris, A. & Nicolaidis, K. (2014) Greek consonant confusions by native listeners in quiet and noise. Selected papers, 11thInternational Conference on Greek Linguistics, Rhodes, Greece, 866-873.
- Lengeris, A. & Nicolaidis, K. (2014) English consonant confusions by Greek listeners in quiet and noise and the role of phonological short-term memory. INTERSPEECH 2014, 15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Singapore, 534-538.
- Chionidou, A. & Nikolaidou, K. (2014) Greek EFL learner's perception of spontaneous speech: the influence of connected speech processes. Studies in Greek Linguistics, 34, 126-141.
- Baltazani M. & Nicolaidis, K. (2013) The many faces of /r/. In Spreafico, L. & Vietti, A. (eds) Rhotics. New data and perspectives. Bosen Bolsano: Bu Press, 125-144.
- Nicolaidis, K. & Baltazani M. (2013) Τhe Greek Rhotic in /rC/ Sequences: An Acoustic and Electropalatographic Study. In Lavidas, N., Alexiou, Th. & Sougari, A.M. (eds) Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, De Gruyter, 157-176.
- Baltazani, M. & Nicolaidis, K. (2012) Production of the Greek rhotic in initial and intervocalic position: an acoustic and electropalatographic study. In Gavriilidou, Z., Efthymiou, A., Thomadaki E. & Kambakis-Vougiouklis, P. (eds) Selected papers of the 10th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, 141-152. Komotini/Greece: Democritus University of Thrace.
- Nicolaidis, K. & Baltazani, M. (2011) An electropalatographic and acoustic study of the Greek rhotic in /Cr/ clusters. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong, 1474-1477.
- Nicolaidis, K., Andreou, P., Bozonelos, V., Mavroudi, A., Theodorou, D., Tasioudi, M., & Tsiantoula, S. (2011) Cross-linguistic influences in the acquisition of the phonetic/phonological system of Greek as a second/foreign language. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University, Μay 2010, 357-378.
- Topintzi, N., Nicolaidis, K. & Tsiartsioni, E. (2010) Inter-dialectal Insights into Greek Rhythm: The Case of Standard Modern Greek vs. Kozani Greek. Proceedings of 4th Conference on Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory, pp. 197-212
- Nicolaidis, Κ., Andreou, P., Bozonelos, V., Konstantinidou, S., Koutsandreas, K., Mavroudi, A., Tasioudi, M., Theodorou, D., & Tsiantoula, S. (2009) Τhe teaching of pronunciation to learners of Greek as a foreign or second language: principles for the design of a pronunciation book. Studies in Greek Linguistics, Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University, Μay 2008, 581-594
- Nicolaidis, K. & Sfakianaki, A. (2007) An acoustic analysis of vowels produced by Greek speakers with hearing impairment.Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, August 2007, Saarbruecken, Germany, pp. 1969-1972.
- Nicolaidis, K. & Mattheoudakis, Μ. (2005) Combining vocabulary and pronunciation teaching. Selected Papers on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics from the 16th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 11-13 April, 2003, Thessaloniki,Greece. 526-541.
- Nicolaidis, K. & Rispoli, R. (2005) The effect of noise on speech production. An Acoustic study. Studies in Greek Linguistics, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University, 7-9 Μay 2004, 415-426.
- Nicolaidis, K., Edwards, J., Beckman, M. & Tserdanelis, G. (2004) Acquisition of lingual obstruents in Greek. Proceedings of the 6thInternational Conference on Greek Linguistics, 18-21 September, Rethimno, Greece, 1-10.
- Mattheoudakis, Μ. & Nicolaidis, K. & (2004) The role of the university in the promotion of teacher development. In Sougari, A-M. and Joycey E. Challenges n Teacher Education. University Studio Press, 103-110.
- Nicolaidis, K. (2003). Acoustic variability of vowels in Greek spontaneous speech. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Barcelona. 3221-3224.
- Nicolaidis, K. & Mattheoudakis, Μ. (2002) Teaching vocabulary and pronunciation in combination : a challenging approach. IATEFL 2002, York Conference Selections, 24-27 March, York, 36-37.
- Nicolaidis, K. & Mattheoudakis, M. (2003) Utopia vs. Reality: the efficacy of in-service training courses for EFL teachers. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 4-6 May 2001. Thessaloniki, Greece. 575-590.
- Nicolaidis, K. (2002) Durational variability in Vowel-Consonant-Vowel sequences in Greek: the influence of phonetic identity, context and speaker. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 20-22 April, 2000, Thessaloniki,Greece. 280-294.
- Nicolaidis, K. (2002) Consonant lingual-palatal patterns produced by hearing-impaired speakers: two case studies. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, 13-16 September 2001, Paris, France.119-122.
- Nicolaidis, K. (2000) Consonant production in spontaneous speech: an electropalatographic study. Proceedings of the 13thInternational Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 22-24 April, Thessaloniki, Greece. 228-240.
- Nicolaidis, K. (1999) The influence of stress on V-to-V coarticulation: an electropalatographic study. Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1-7 August, San Francisco, California, USA. pp. 1087-1090.
- Nicolaidis, K. (1999) An electropalatographic study of Vowel-to-Consonant and Consonant-to-Vowel coarticulation. Greek Linguistics '97 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Greek Language, Athens, Greece. pp. 400-408.
- Nicolaidis, K. (1998) Durational Variability in Vowel-Consonant-Vowel sequences in Greek: the influence of stress and utterance type.Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 2-4 April, Thessaloniki, Greece. pp. 331-340.
- Nicolaidis, K. (1997) Speaker-induced articulatory variability: an electropalatographic study. Proceedingς of the 11th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 10-12 April 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp.154-165.
- Nicolaidis, K. (1997) An electropalatographic study of Vowel-to-Consonant coarticulation in Greek. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 24-26 April 1996, Thessaloniki, Greece, 105-115.
- Nicolaidis, K (1997) Variability in Vowel-Consonant-Vowel sequences in Greek: isolated words vs. connected speech. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Greek Linguistics, 22-24 September 1995, Salzburg, Austria, vol 1, 45-54.
- Waters, D., Nicolaidis, K., Hardcastle, W.J. & Gibbon, F. (1995) Variability of lingual stops in English: an electropalatographic study.Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 13-19 August, Stockholm, Sweden, vol, 3, 456-458.
- Nicolaidis, K. (1994) Aspects of lingual articulation in Greek: an electropalatographic study. In I. Philippaki-Warburton, K. Nicolaidis and M. Sifianou (eds) Themes in Greek Linguistics, 225-232, Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Nicolaidis, K. (1994) Vowel-to-Vowel coarticulatory effects in Greek. Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on English and Greek: description and/or comparison of the two languages, 28-30 March 1994, Thessaloniki, Greece, 239-254.
- Nicolaidis, K. (1993) Coarticulatory effects in VtV sequences in Greek. Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on English and Greek: description and/or comparison of the two languages, 7-9 April, 1993, Thessaloniki, Greece, 153-163.
- Marchal, M, Hardcastle, W.J., Nicolaidis, K. Nguyen, N and Gibbon, F. (1992) Non-linear annotation of multi-channel speech data.Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken language Processing, October 12-16, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 787-790.
- Hardcastle, W.J., Marchal, M., Nicolaidis, K. Nguyen, N (1992) Non-linear annotation of multi-channel speech data. Proceedings of the 4th Australian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, Brisbane, December 1992, pp. 542-547.
- Nicolaidis, K., Hardcastle, W.J., Marchal, A. and N. Nguyen (1992) Comparing phonetic, articulatory, acoustic and aerodynamic signal representations. ESCA Tutorial, Comparing speech signal representations Sheffield, 7th April, 1992, pp.61-98. (βλ. υπόμνημα καιδημοσίευση Α13)
- Nicolaidis, K. (1991) Coarticulatory Strategies in Greek and English VCV sequences. Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on the description and/or comparison of English and Greek, Thessaloniki, Greece, 113-140.
Extended abstracts
- Baltazani, M., Kainada, E., Nikolaidis, K., Sfakianaki, A., Lengeris, A., Tsiartsioni, E., Papazachariou, D.,Giakoumelou, M. (2014).Cross-dialectal vowel spaces in Greek. In 14th Laboratory Phonology, Japan, p. 148.
- Nicolaidis, K. (2012) An electropalatographic study of consonant production in Greek Lombard speech. The Listening Talker,Edinburgh, 2/3 May 2012, p. 75.
- Sfakianaki, A., Nicolaidis, K. & Okalidou, A. (2012) Intelligibility and Production in Greek Hearing-Impaired Speech. The Listening Talker, Edinburgh, 2/3 May 2012, p. 82.
In Work in Progress volumes
- Nicolaidis, K., Hardcastle, W.J. and Gibbon, F. (1993) Bibliography of Electropalatographic studies in English (1957-1992) - Parts I, II, and III. Speech Research Laboratory, University of Reading, Work in Progress 7, pp. 26-47.
- Νicolaidis, K. (1990) Vowel Reduction: evidence from Greek. Speech Research Laboratory, University of Reading, Work in Progress 6,77-121.
Publications in Greek
In books
- Mπαλτατζάνη Μ. & Νικολαΐδου Κατερίνα (2022) Φωνητική (Phonetics). Στο βιβλίο Εισαγωγή στη Γλωσσολογία: Θεμελιώσεις Έννοιες και βασικοί κλάδοι με έμφαση στην ελλληνική γλώσσα (Introduction to Linguistics: Fundamental concepts and basic disciplines with an emphasis on the Greek language). Λεκάκου Μ. και Τοπιντζή Ι. (επιμ.). Gutenberg, Αθήνα, 23-90.
- Νικολαΐδου, Κ., Μπαλταζάνη, Μ. Χιονίδου, Α. (2019) Φωνηεντική ποικιλία σε ελληνικές διαλέκτους: μια ακουστική και ηλεκτροπαλατογραφική μελέτη (Phonetic Variability in Greek dialects: an acoustic and electropalatographic study). Στο βιβλίο Γλωσσική Ποικιλία (Linguistic Variability), Αρχάκης, Α. Κουτσούκος, Ν. Παπαζαχαρίου, Δ. και Ξυδόπουλος, Γ. (επιμ.). Αθήνα: 397-422.
- Νικολαϊδου, Κ. (2003) Μια ηλεκτροπαλατογραφική μελέτη των ουρανικών συμφώνων της Ελληνικής. Στο βιβλίο Σύγχρονες Τάσεις στην Ελληνική Γλωσσολογία: Μελέτες Αφιερωμένες στην Ειρήνη Φιλιππάκη-Warburton, Θεοφανοπούλου-Κοντού Δ., Λασκαράτου Χ., Σηφιανού Μ., Γεωργιαφέντης, Μ. και Σπυρόπουλος Β. (επιμ. εκδ). Αθήνα: Πατάκης. 108-127.
In journals
- Νικολαϊδου, Κ. (2000) Η τεχνική του ηλεκτροπαλατογράφου και η χρήση της στη λογοθεραπευτική παρέμβαση. Επικοινωνία 12,Περιοδικό Πανελλήνιου Συλλόγου Λογοπεδικών, Αφιέρωμα στη Βαρηκοΐα-Κώφωση, 27-32.
In proceedings
- Σφακιανάκη, Α., Νικολαΐδου, Κ. & Οκαλίδου, Α. (υπό έκδοση). Καταληπτότητα ομιλίας και χαρακτηριστικά του παραγόμενου λόγου βαρήκοων-κωφών. Πρακτικά του 14ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου της Παιδαγωγικής Εταιρείας «Εκπαίδευση Ατόμων με Ειδικές Ανάγκες: Μια Πρόκληση για το Σχολείο και την Κοινωνία», Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας, Θεσσαλονίκη, 1-4 Δεκεμβρίου 2011.
- Νικολαΐδου, Κ., Παπανικολάου, Γ., Αβδελίδης, Κ., Καϊναδά, Ε., Σφακιανάκη, Α., Βρύσης, Λ., Κωσταντουδάκης, Κ., Σταρτσένκο, Ι. & Κέλμαλη, Ε. (2014) SpeakGreek: Ανάπτυξη διαδικτυακού συστήματος εκπαίδευσης της ομιλίας ΑΚΟΥΣΤΙΚΗ 2014, Θεσσαλονίκη, 144-151 .
- Ματθαιουδάκη, Μ. & Νικολαϊδου, Κ. (2002) Καινοτομία και Τριτοβάθμια Εκπαίδευση: η Συμβολή του Τμήματος Αγγλικής. Πρακτικά Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου για τη Σύνδεση Τριτοβάθμιας και Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης. 30 Μαρτίου-1 Απριλίου 2001, Φιλοσοφική Σχολή ΑΠΘ. 412-424.
- Νικολαϊδου, Κ. (2001) Η εφαρμογή της τεχνικής του ηλεκτροπαλατογράφου στη λογοθεραπευτική παρέμβαση του κωφού/βαρήκοου ατόμου. Πρακτικά 1ης Ημερίδας για τη Βαρηκοΐα και την Κώφωση: Εκπαίδευση, Τεχνολογία, Επικοινωνία. Σεπτέμβριος 2000, Θεσσαλονίκη. 41-55.
Online publications: chapters and other publications
- Nicolaidis, K. & Baltazani, M. (2021) IPA Chart (Greek translation).
- Νικολαϊδου, Κ. (2015) Διδακτικές προτάσεις για τη διδασκαλία της Προφοράς. (Activities for the teaching of pronunciation) Διαδρομές στη διδασκαλία της νέας ελληνικής.
- Νικολαϊδου, Κ. (2012) Προτάσεις Διδασκαλίας: Παραγωγή Προφορικού Λόγου. (Activities for oral production) Κέντρο Ελληνικής Γλώσσας, Διαδρομές στη διδασκαλία της νέας ελληνικής.
- Ματθαιουδάκη, Μ., Νικολαϊδου, Κ., Κίτσου, Ι. Παναγιωτίδου, Β., Σακελλαρίου, Α. Σπανού Κ. (2007) Η διδασκαλία της γραμματικής, του λεξιλογίου και της προφοράς. (Teaching grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation). Κέντρο Ελληνικής Γλώσσας, Διαδρομές στη διδασκαλία της ελληνικής ως ξένης γλώσσας (Διαδρομές Α),, (56 pp).
- Ματθαιουδάκη, Μ., Νικολαϊδου, Κ., Κίτσου, Ι. Παναγιωτίδου, Β., Σακελλαρίου, Α. Σπανού Κ. (2012) Η διδασκαλία της γραμματικής, του λεξιλογίου και της προφοράς. (Teaching grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation). Κέντρο Ελληνικής Γλώσσας, Διαδρομές στη διδασκαλία της ελληνικής σε αλλόγλωσσους στην Ελλάδα (Διαδρομές Β),, (96 pp).
- Ματθαιουδάκη, Μ., Νικολαϊδου, Κ., Κίτσου, Ι. Παναγιωτίδου, Β., Σακελλαρίου, Α. Σπανού Κ. (2013) Η διδασκαλία της γραμματικής, του λεξιλογίου και της προφοράς. (Teaching grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation). Κέντρο Ελληνικής Γλώσσας, Διαδρομές στη διδασκαλία της ελληνικής για αποσπασμένους εκπαιδευτικούς και φοιτητές νεοελληνικών τμημάτων εκτός Ελλάδας (Διαδρομές Γ), (116 pp).