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School of English - AUTh

School of English LOGO

School of English - AUTh

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School of English personnel

School of English personnel

Marina Mattheoudakis

Professor - Department of Theoretical & Applied Linguistics

307B | +30 2310 997455 | | personal page | curriculum vitae
Office hours: TU 13:30-15:30) | WE 14:30-15:30)

Dr Marina Mattheoudakis is a Professor at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and the director of the Lab on Foreign Language Teaching and Assessment in the same department. In 2005 she proposed and designed the launch of the 3rd Experimental Primary School of Evosmos, which has participated in several pioneer educational projects in Greece and abroad. Between 2017 and 2020 she worked in Delaware, USA where she designed and implemented an innovative dual language immersion program (English and Greek), for which she was nominated by the Department of Education in Delaware (Innovation Awards 2018 and Innovation Awards 2019).  In 2019 she received a Scholarship and attended the Data Wise Leadership Institute at Harvard Graduate School of Education, Boston, U.S.  Her research interests lie in the fields of instructed second language acquisition, bilingual education and learner corpora.  She has published widely in journals, books and conference proceedings.


Winter G-LSUD3 ApLing326 Methodology of Teaching English as a Foreign Language Wednesday 11:00 13:30 107
Winter EDU 570 Theories of Second Language Acquisition Tuesday 14:00 17:00 308 πατ.
Spring G-LSUD3 ApLing380 Vocabulary Acquisition and Teaching Tuesday 11:00 13:30 107
Spring G-LSUD4 ApLing445 Corpora and their Use in Language Teaching Wednesday 16:00 18:30 103