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School Events

School Events

Date: 11/5/2018 
Title: Digital Narratives and Worldmaking: a Brave New Storytelling" (Giorgos Dimitriadis)

The Laboratory of Narrative Research is pleased to announce the third seminar of the Narrative Crossings series, run by Dr. Giorgos Dimitriadis and focusing on digital narratives. The seminar will take place on Friday 11/5, 18:30-20:30 in room 417 (New Building of Philosophy). 

Students who are interested are kindly asked to bring along laptops or tablets (as internet search will be a basic part of the seminar). There is a limited number of participants for this seminar – so please pre-register in the following link to reserve a place.

Seminar description

Digital technology has affected the linearity of narrative by placing stories within larger world-building practices. Gradually blurring the lines between separate media and their relatively distinct storytelling modes, narratives extend from one medium to the other almost seamlessly. Big franchises (e.g. Star Wars), as regards both their creation and sustainability, have greatly benefited from this evolution as they are rapidly expanding via worldmaking practices: the storyline of a movie is complemented by pop-culture byproducts, such as books, animation, comics & graphic novels, toys, video games, etc. Consequently, narratives become only a relatively small part of much wider fictional worlds, which are made up of fragments of new and old media and are now approached with the combined use of terms such as canon, lore, E.U. (Extended Universe), etc.

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