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School Events

School Events

Date: 28/4/2017 
Title: Social Theater Creative Workshop: "Transparent Windows" event

A workshop with the title 'Revisioning Social Theater through Camp Spectacles' will be offered on Friday Αpr. 28th, 2017, by Katerina Delikonstantinidou and Konstantinos Chatzipapatheodoridis (Ph.D. Candidates, Department of American Literature, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).
This workshop is going to take place at Room 112 (Old Philosophy Building 1st floor) between 18:30-20:30.

**A certificate of attendance will be provided**

The places available for this workshop are limited. So If you're interested in attending, please forward your emails to:

This event is organized by the School of English Book Club 'Transparent Windows.' For more information about our group please click on the following link:


Personal narratives serve as primary material in this workshop that rehearses and seeks to stage an encounter between the phenomenon of Social Theater and the poetics of Camp. Narratives of this sort, i.e. a person's (hi)stories, life-changing experiences, incidents related to conflicts and relationships, dreams and fantasies, constitutive of the participants' most familiar referential fields, typically feed into (and off) Social Theater projects and performances. The aim of such projects and performances is to address remedially participants’ experiences, focusing on the more troublesome ones, and thus to contribute to the wellness of both the individual and the collective. By the end of the workshop, participants will have gained the tools they need to read through, beyond and against popular culture texts when combined with personal narratives and the insights the latter offer into the world and the self-in-the-world as well as they will have gained an understanding of themselves as active co-creators of the pop culture(s) in which most of us are immersed.

Katerina Delikonstantinidou is a Ph.D. Candidate in Department of American Literature, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Her articles have been published in volumes and journals, her research work has been presented at national and international conferences, while she is also the recipient of a number of scholarships and awards. She has worked as a teaching and research assistant and has been managing editor of the IATC webjournal, Critical Stages, since 2014. Her research interests lie in the fields of Theater and Performing Arts, Classical Reception, as well as Ethnic and Postcolonial Studies.

Konstantinos Chatzipapatheodoridis is a Fulbright Scholar and Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of American Literature, School of English at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. His research interests include LGBT Studies, Performance Studies and Popular Culture Studies, while his dissertation focuses on the poetics of camp in contemporary pop music performances and the politics of global gay culture. His academic work has appeared in international conferences and journals.

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