The aim of this course is to introduce students to the research field of Psycholinguistics. Although this is a large research domain, the course will concentrate on outlining the most important areas which belong to the field of psycholinguistic research. These include: what constitutes language knowledge (i.e. the mental state attributed to a native speaker of a language), how this knowledge is acquired (i.e. (child) first and (adult) second language acquisition, how is language knowledge used in comprehension and production and, finally language disorders. The theoretical and the empirical arguments from any of these areas will be discussed in relation to current linguistic theory. Students will become familiar with the psycholinguistic areas of research responsible for language development, impairment and use. Recommended reading: Is there a course textbook? Yes Is there a list of readings? Yes Assessment methods: Final written exam
Semester | Group | Day | From | To | Room | Instructor |
Winter | Friday | 08:30 | 11:00 | 112 ð.ê. | Peristeri Eleni |