An Online Catalogue is a database composed of bibliographic records describing the books and other materials owned by a library or library system accessible via the World Wide Web.
An Online Union Catalogue is a database that contains records about materials of multiple libraries and is accessible via the World Wide Web. In other words, it is a joint catalogue for several libraries.
In a catalogue and in a union catalogue you will find:
- the bibliographic description of the items it contains,
- the location (library) where the items are held, as well as their classification number, so as to find them on the shelves.
- AUTh Online Catalogue and Library Unified Search Engine [more]
- MITOS - Hellenic Academic Libraries Link Integraded Library Catalog
- Online Catalogues of other Greek Libraries
- Βιβλιοθήκες από όλο τον κόσμο - LIBWEB
- Βιβλιοθήκες από όλο τον κόσμο -
- Union Catalogue of the National Libraries of Europe - The European Library
- Union Catalogue of Libraries all over the World - WORLDCAT
- AUTh Online Catalogue and Library Unified Search Engine [more]
- "Kallipos" Repository (Hellenic Academic Electronic (Text)books) The "Kallipos" Repository is a website that collects books, learning aids and objects produced within the framework of the project "Hellenic Academic Electronic (Text)books”. The repository aims at the systematic recording, organization and long-term preservation of the (text)books and the learning objects of the academic community. The Repository collection is also available from AUTh Online Library Catalogue.
- Drama Online (Core Collection) The Core Collection of Drama Online includes over 1,875 playtexts and more added each year offering a diverse and rich catalogue of plays by the world's leading dramatists.
- EBSCOHost eBook Collection [former NetLibrary collection ]
- Proquest Ebook Central
- Wiley Online Books
- De Gruyter eBooks (247 AUTh titles and hundreds of free and open access titles)
- Oxford Handbooks Online : Literature
- Oxford Handbooks Online : Linguistics
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Literature
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Linguistics
- Emerald e-Book Series
- Brill Online Books and Journals
- Series : Innovation and Leadership in English Language Teaching
- Series : Syntax and Semantics
- Series : Studies in Writing
- Springer e-Books
- Taylor & Francis Group eBooks
- Early English Books Online (EEBO) [more]
- Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online [more]
- Gale Virtual Reference Library
- Making of America Books
- Open Research Library (ORL) Plans to include all Open Access book content worldwide on one platform for user-friendly discovery, offering a seamless experience navigating more than 14,000 Open Access books. This vital infrastructure is slated to comprise the most comprehensive collection of peer-reviewed Open Access books accessible for everyone.
- Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
- SciELO Books
- E-Books Directory - Categorized Books - Short Reviews, Free Downloads
- Google Books
- Major E-Text Repositories
Useful Links
- National Book Centre of Greece - EKEBI
- Greek Bookstores in the World Wide Web
- Greek Publishers (in Greek)
- Biblionet - Greek Books in Print
When searching ebooks, using AUTh Library Unified Search Engine, users must perform the same search in the tab "Catalog" as well as in the tab "Articles, Journals" in order to retrieve a more complete list of the available resources. Searching each ebook publisher separately will give the best results.
- AUTh Online Catalogue and Library Unified Search Engine The University Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) includes the journals the University subscribes to as well as some journals the subscription to which has ceased but there are still available back issues. The Catalogue includes the journals of all the departmental libraries of the University. Apart from the bibliographic record of the journals, the Catalogue also provides information about holdings, including information about which library holds each journal, as well as the volumes and the issues acquired. The latter information is not available for all journals yet.
- Journal Catalogue of the Faculty of Philosophy Subject Library The Faculty of Philosophy Subject Library holds most printed journals of the libraries of the Faculty of Philosophy. For each title the catalogue includes information about the ISSN of the journal, its frequency, the volumes, the issues and its subscription status. The catalogue also includes information about missing items. If the journal is available in electronic format, a link to the full text is given.
- National Union Catalogue of Scientific Journals (ESKEP) / NDC The National Union Catalogue of Scientific Journals of the Greek National Documentation Center provides users with unique tools to search for a specific journal or to view the entire journal collection of a Greek library. The catalogue contains bibliographic data on both printed and digital journals which are available at Greek libraries. The collections cover all disciplines, while for every journal title information is given about the collection of the library with that particular journal. Currently, 201 libraries with a total of 98.825 journal titles are included in the catalogue. ESKEP is supported by the National Network of Science and Technology Libraries with 147 member libraries.
AUTh Library Unified Search Engine gives users the ability to search both printed and electronic journals of the University as well as HEAL-Link subscriptions of electronic journals.
- Alphabetical Index of E-Journals Provides access to all Aristotle University and HEAL-Link e-journal subcriptions. Users can find the available journals and retrieve the full text of the articles they contain.
- Subject Index of E-Journals Provides access to all Aristotle University and HEAL-Link e-journal subcriptions. Users can find the available journals and retrieve the full text of the articles they contain.
- AUTh Library Unified Search Engine AUTh Library Unified Search Engine gives users the ability to search both printed and electronic journals of the University as well as HEAL-Link subscriptions of electronic journals.
- Hellenic Academic Libraries Link - HEAL - Link Hellenic Academic Libraries Link is the Consortium of Greek Academic Libraries and comprises the following institutions:
- 37 Academic Institutions (22 Universities and 15 Technological Institutions)
- 14 Research Institutions
- Academy of Athens
- National Library of Greece
- Hellenic Parliament Library
- Pedagogical Institute
- National Agricultural Research Foundation
- University of Cyprus
- Prothiki: open access journals It hosts open access journals published by AUTh Faculties, Schools, Departments, Laboratories, etc.
- JSTOR JSTOR provides online access to the back issues of 1800 electronic full-text journals. The collections the University has access to include the following subject areas: African Studies, African American Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, Asian Studies, Classical Studies, Ecology, Economics, Education, Film Studies, Finance, Folklore, Geography, History, History of Science, Language and Literature, Latin American Studies, Mathematics, Middle Eastern Studies, Performing Arts, Philosophy, Political Science, Population Studies, Psychology, Slavic Studies, Sociology, Statistics.
- Project Muse Project Muse provides online access to over 300 full-text journals, covering the subject areas of Literature, History, Political Sciences, Economy, Philosophy, from 65 scholarly publishers.
- Periodicals Archive Online Periodicals Archive Online is a major archive that makes the backfiles of scholarly periodicals in the arts, humanities and social sciences available electronically, providing access to the searchable full text of hundreds of titles. The database spans more than two centuries of content, 37 key subject areas, and multiple languages.
- ProQuest ProQuest is a collection of databases providing access to nearly 12.500 journals with over 9.700 available in full text. It also provides access to nearly 2 million dissertations and theses. The subject areas covered are: The Arts, Business, Dissertations and Theses, History, Language and Literature, Social Sciences. DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.
- JURN directory 3,000 links to selected open access or otherwise free ejournals in the arts & humanities.
- News and Periodical Resources on the Web / The Library of Congress

An index of journal articles and other material can be used to locate:
- articles on a subject of interest to you,
- articles by a specific author,
- articles by title,
- articles published in a particular journal, newspaper, conference, etc
- AUTh Library Unified Search Engine AUTh Library Unified Search Engine gives users the ability to search both printed and electronic journals of the University as well as HEAL-Link subscriptions of electronic journals. Users can search by journal and article title and have access to the full text of the items they are interested in. The service also offers advanced search.
- Prothiki: open access journals It hosts open access journals published by AUTh Faculties, Schools, Departments, Laboratories, etc. Searching by article and by keywords is also available.
- AUTH Faculty Publications / ΙΚΕΕ It includes scientific papers by AUTh Faculty and Research Staff, such as articles in journals and conferences, books, art and multimedia work, studies, etc.
- JSTOR JSTOR provides online access to the back issues of 1800 electronic full-text journals. The collections the University has access to the following subject areas: African Studies, African American Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, Asian Studies, Classical Studies, Ecology, Economics, Education, Film Studies, Finance, Folklore, Geography, History, History of Science, Language and Literature, Latin American Studies, Mathematics, Middle Eastern Studies, Performing Arts, Philosophy, Political Science, Population Studies, Psychology, Slavic Studies, Sociology, Statistics.
- Project Muse Project Muse provides online access to over 300 full-text journals, covering the subject areas of Literature, History, Political Sciences, Economy, Philosophy, from 65 scholarly publishers.
- Periodicals Archive Online Periodicals Archive Online is a major archive that makes the backfiles of scholarly periodicals in the arts, humanities and social sciences available electronically, providing access to the searchable full text of hundreds of titles. The database spans more than two centuries of content, 37 key subject areas, and multiple languages.
- ProQuest ProQuest is a collection of databases providing access to nearly 12.500 journals with over 9.700 available in full text. It also provides access to nearly 2 million dissertations and theses. The subject areas covered are: The Arts, Business, Dissertations and Theses, History, Language and Literature, Social Sciences.
- ProQuest Art Journals
- ProQuest Education Journals ProQuest Education Journals gives users access to over 760 top educational publications, including more than 600 of the titles in full text. The coverage spans the literature on primary, secondary and higher education as well as special education, home schooling and adult education. Many titles are indexed in the ERIC database.
- ProQuest History Journals
- ProQuest Language and Literature ProQuest Language and Literature includes the following databases: British Humanities Index (BHI), CBCA Complete: Literature & Language, Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, ProQuest Career and Technical Education: Literature & Language,ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: Literature & Language, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I: Literature & Language, ProQuest Research Library: Literature & Language.
- ProQuest PAC Publicly Available Content Database Designed to complement other databases and collections, this database brings together or links to full text for publicly available scholarly content from a number of different sources from around the world. It includes content from major subject repositories such as arXiv as well as open access journals. Content includes journal articles, pre-prints, books, conference papers and reports.
- ProQuest Psychology Journals This database provides abstracts and indexing for more than 640 titles, with over 540 titles available in full text. Many titles are indexed in PsycINFO. Coverage ranges from behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial and social psychology, along with personality, psychobiology and psychometrics.
- ProQuest Social Science Journals This database includes over 535 titles, with more than 310 available in full text. Disciplines represented range from anthropology, sociology, political science to communication, education, criminology, demography, economics and more.
- Scopus Access to the bibliographic and citation database of Elsevier, with simultaneous search to more than 21000 titles of scientific journals, to more than 90000 e-books and to the World Wide Web, and possibility of automatic linking to the full text of the articles of the subscribed titles to HEAL-Link. Scopus database includes also citation indexes in all the sectors of science and technology.
- Educational Resources Information Center - ERIC ERIC provides extensive access to educational-related literature. In addition to journal articles, it also provides coverage of conferences, meetings, government documents, theses, dissertations, reports, audiovisual media, bibliographies, directories, books and monographs.
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.
- Yearbooks of the Faculties of Philosophy in Athens / Thessaloniki, years 1925-1997 The database includes the full text of publications by the Faculties of Philosophy in Athens / Thessaloniki during the years 1925-1997.
- E-print Network E-print Network is a vast, integrated network of electronic scientific and technical information created by scientists and research engineers active in their respective fields, all full-text searchable. E-print Network is intended for use by other scientists, engineers, and students at advanced levels. It is a gateway to over 35,300 websites and databases worldwide, containing over 5.5 million e-prints. E-prints are scholarly and professional works electronically produced and shared by researchers with the intent of communicating research findings to colleagues. They may include preprints, reprints, technical reports, conference publications or other means of electronic communication.

- Psifiothiki - AUTh Full-Text Database of Newspaper and Journal Articles
- The Government Gazette - ΦΕΚ
- Greek National Library - Digital Newspapers Collection e-fimeris (1893-1983)
- Library of the Hellenic Parliament - Digital Newspapers Collection (up to 1940)
- The Economist Historical Archive 1843-2006
- The Financial Times Historical Archive, 1888-2006
- News and Periodical Resources on the Web / The Library of Congress
- Proquest News & Newspapers (Proquest Central)
Information about Citation Indexes
- Web of Science [Science Citation Index Expanded --1899-present, Social Sciences Citation Index --1898-present, Arts & Humanities Citation Index --1975-present, Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science --1990-present, Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Social Science & Humanities --1990-present, SciELO Citation Index(1997 - present) ]
- Scopus Author Search
- Google Scholar
- Journal Citation Reports - Impact Factor Journal Citation Reports® offers a systematic, objective means to critically evaluate the world's leading journals, with quantifiable, statistical information based on citation data. By compiling articles' cited references, JCR helps to measure research influence and impact at the journal and category levels, and shows the relationship between citing and cited journals. Available in Science and Social Sciences editions.
You can find more information about the above databases in AUTh Central Library website (temporarily only in Greek)
- AUTh Theses, 2003- (Grey Literature) The database includes doctoral dissertations, postgraduate and undergraduate theses submitted to the University from 2003 forward.
- National Archive of PhD Theses / NDC The National Archive of PhD Theses provides access to the full text of PhD theses (32.271) from all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Greece as well as PhD theses awarded to Greek scholars by foreign HEIs and certified by the Hellenic NARIC. The National Documentation Centre of Greece (EKT) is the organization responsible, by law, for the collection, development and maintenance of the National Archive of PhD Theses.
- ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, spanning from 1743 to the present day and offering full text for graduate works added since 1997, along with selected full text for works written prior to 1997. It contains a significant amount of new international dissertations and theses both in citations and in full text.
- ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Open Access
- ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Open Access PQDT Open provides the full text of open access dissertations and theses free of charge. You can quickly and easily locate dissertations and theses relevant to your discipline, and view the complete text in PDF format.
- Network Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) It is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). It provides access to 4 million theses and dissertations from collaborating institutions.
- Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD) aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1000 colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD currently indexes 2,963,527 theses and dissertations.
- DART-Europe E-theses Portal DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses. DART-Europe is endorsed by LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche), and it is the European Working Group of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD).
- Universal Index of Doctoral Dissertations in Progress It is a bibliographic database of doctoral dissertations in progress around the world.
- Archive of Printed PhD and Postgraduate Theses of the School of English
- : Greek Digital Libraries Search Engine
- Index of Greek Digital Sources - University of Patras Library and Information Center
- Psifiothiki - AUTH Archive Collections
- Online Scientific Databanks / National Hellenic Research Foundation
- The Greek Public Libraries Portal
- Europeana Paintings, music, films, and books from Europe's galleries, libraries, archives and museums
- Europeana - Paintings, music, films, and books from Europe's galleries, libraries, archives and museums
- World Digital Library
More information about Digital/Archive Collections can be found in the subject category "Hellenic Culture" of the Subject Portal of our website.
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Sciences and Humanities (CPCI-SSH) This citation index covers conference literature in all fields of social sciences, arts, and humanities, including: Art, Economics, History, Literature, Management, Philosophy, Psychology, Public Health, Sociology.
- Synedriothiki: conferences and scientific events It hosts conferences and scientific events organised by AUTh Faculties, Schools, Departments, Laboratories, etc.