Until her retirement in 2013, Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey taught the following
Undergaduate courses
- Modern English Language
- Synchronic Comparative Linguistics
- Oral Language I & II
- Methodology of Teaching Modern Languages
Required electives
- Crosslinguistic Influences in Language Learning
- Strategies of Language Learning and Communication
- Tense and Aspect
- Psycholinguistics: Theories of Language Acquisition
Postgraduate courses
In the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics:
- Interlanguage Studies (elective)
- Methodology of Teaching Modern Languages (compulsory)
- Second/Foreign Language Learning (compulsory)
- Learning and Teaching Language Skills (elective)
- Individual Differences in Second/Foreign Language Learning (elective)
In the Interdepartmental postgraduate programme “Language Communication
and Modern Greek as a Second/Foreign language”, AUTh:
- Processes Involved in Second/Foreign Language Learning (seminar)
- Teaching of Modern Greek as a Second/Foreign Language (compulsory)
After her retirement, during the years 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18,
Angeliki Psaltou- Joycey taught the postgraduate course Second Language
Acquisition Theories of the postgraduate programme Language Education and
Technology at the Department of Italian Language and Literature, Faculty of
Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.