Each plenary talk is allotted 45 minutes presentation time and 10 minutes discussion time
Papers are allotted 20 minutes presentation time and 5 minutes discussion time.
Please check the programme for the day, time and venue of the session in which you are presenting. Note that on Saturday 25/4 and on Sunday 26/4 there are two different venue sessions (see Conference Venues).
All rooms will be equipped with laptop computers with Microsoft Office 2007. Speakers using PowerPoint should bring their presentation on a USB memory stick and have their file uploaded onto the computer in the conference room before their session begins. Please ensure that your presentation file is compatible with Microsoft Office 2007 or previous versions.
Speakers cannot use their own laptop for their presentation. A technician will be available throughout the conference to handle technical aspects. Mac users, please contact the organizers in advance of your presentation. Please note that there will be no photocopying facilities onsite.