The following two trips (optional events) will take place during the conference. You’ll be able to book at the registration desk on December 15th, 2017:
Thessaloniki, Greece’s second largest city with population of some 1 million and vital cultural, industrial and commercial activity, lies amphitheatrically on the Thermaicos Gulf, on the slopes of Mount Chortiatis. Founded by the Greek Macedonian King Kassander, he named the city Thessaloniki after his wife who was also the half sister of Alexander the Great. During the Roman period, it was the capital of Macedonia Secunda and during the Middle Ages, it was the second city of the Byzantine Empire. For 400 years it was occupied by the Ottoman Empire, until it was finally freed in 1912.
We start our excursion of the city viewing the White Tower, an historical landmark. From here, drive by the International Trade Fair grounds and the Aristotelion University, which was established in 1926 and today is the largest of all universities in Greece.
Further visit of St. Demetrios Basilica which was erected in the 5th century AD. The five aisled basilica suffered a tragic fire in the year 1917 but was later restored in 1948. Marvel at the beautiful mosaics, dating back from the 5th to 9th Centuries. From here, follow your guide to the area located under the basilica, where you will see the famous crypt, which according to tradition, was once the confinement for an officer by the name of Demetrius who was later executed by the Emperor Gallerius. Today, St. Demetrius is the patron Saint of the city.
Return to your motor coach and drive along the modern street, Egnatia, named after the famous Roman road, Via Egnatia. Whilst driving, view the Arch of Gallerius and St. George’s Rotonda. The tour will end passing by the well preserved Byzantine Basilica of St. Sophia, an 8th Century structure, rich in mosaics and frescoes.
VERGINA ROYAL TOMBS – (€48 per person)
Visit the Royal Tombs of Vergina (Land of Alexander the Great). The tour includes visit of the newly completed exhibition bearing the founds of all 3 Tombs, one of them famous as the Tomb of King Philip the II, Father of Alexander the Great. Make your way inside the subterranean structure, accompanied by your guide and feast your eyes on some of the most important objects, which once belonged to Philip II – the King’s shield adorned with ivory and gold the King’s gold- trimmed iron breast plate, Gold Diadems of unparalleled craftsmanship, the Golden Wreath of oak leaves, the gold plated collar and the Silver Burial Ums. Listen carefully, as your guide explains how inside the tomb of King Philip, a Golden Chest was discovered, containing the King’s bones, washed with wine and wrapped in purple cloth. After a sort coffee break, we will drive back to Thessaloniki.
The tours are organized by