Contributors of articles and review essays are asked to adhere to the following guidelines. Manuscripts should be submitted to the guest editors in two hard copies, typed in double spacing on one side of A4 paper, as well as in electronic format (PC or Mac). The journal uses the MLA system of referencing, with cited author's surname and page numbers in parentheses in the text and a list of Works Cited at the end. For further details, consult the latest MLA Handbook. An abstract of 100-150 words must also be included. The author's name and affiliation should be submitted on a separate sheet. The final version of the manuscript must be submitted in electronic form. Articles should not normally exceed 7,000 words (including notes and Works Cited).
Book Reviews: Single-title reviews should not exceed 800 words. Reviewers are expected to follow the same guidelines given for articles, except that only one hard copy of the manuscript should be submitted to the review editor. Full bibliographical details of the books reviewed should be given at the beginning of the review.