Volume 5 Contents

Πρόλογος: Κείμενο/Πλαίσιο/Ιστορία
Introduction: Text/Context/History
Karin Boklund - Λαγοπούλου

The deterriotorialization of the body in Women of Sand and Myrrh
Murina Khalifa Al-Fadel

The Demon of (Racial) History: Reading Candyman
Antonis Balasopoulos

Africa's Appendix: The Discursive Construction of Colonial South Africa
Zbigniew Bialas

Nature's Archives: Emerson and the Sepulchres of History
Eduardo Cadava

Everyday Retrospectives: Updike and the American Twentieth Century
Martin Corner

Tragic Character and Ideology in King Lear
Tina Krontiris

Doing History: Deconstructing Text and Context
Willy Maley

Mimesis under Socialism
Zoran Milutinovic

Εαυτός και Άλλοι. Προς μια κοινωνιολογία της αυτοβιογραφικής συνείδησης
Γρηγόρης Πασχαλίδης

Narrativizing United States-Philippines "Postcolonial" Relations:
Gender, Identity, Politics, Nation in the Novels of Jessica Hagedorn

E. San Juan, Jr.

Writing the Nation in Early Modern England: The Case of Rhetoric a Poetics
Christina Schmitt

The Importance of Sincerity: Gerasimos Vokos and the Position of the Intellectual in Early-Twentieth-Century Athens
Lia Yoka
