Minimalism and diachronic syntax: the
development of negative expressions
Anna Roussou, University of Patras |
Prosodic rhythm and the status of vowel
reduction in Greek
Mary Baltazani, University of Ioannina |
The evolution of medieval /ü/ and its
dialectal variation
Ioanna Kappa, University of Crete |
Positional and qualitative asymmetries of
consonant clusters in Greek L1
Marina Tzakosta, University of Crete |
The phonological word in Mycenaean
Jeroen Vis, University of Crete |
Free and restrictive relative clauses in
Dora Alexopoulou, University of Cambridge/University of
Lille/STL |
The road to PF
Kleanthes K. Grohmann, University of Cyprus |
Variation in the grammar of adult root
Kleanthes K. Grohmann & Ricardo Etxepare, University of
Cyprus & CNRS/LEHIA |
A distance distributing prepositional
Stella Gryllia, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics LUCL |
The subject condition as a PF effect:
evidence from Greek
George Kotzoglou, University of Reading |
Easily in the Middle
Marika Lekakou, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam |
Quantification and Intonation in Modern
Anna Maria Margariti, University of Patras |
The polysemy of -ize derivatives and the
ModGreek counterpart -pi`o
Elizabeth Mela-Athanasopoulou, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki |
Todo in Brazilian Portuguese: all or
every or neither?
Ana Müllera, Esmeralda V. Negrãob & Ana P. Quadros Gomesc,
University of São Paulo, Brazil |
When mixed projections cannot be
arguments: evidence from (Greek) gerunds
Phoevos Panagiotidis, Cyprus College |
EPP revisited: evidence from null
subject languages
Evi Sifaki & Ioanna Sitaridou, University of Roehampton &
University of Cambridge |
Constituent order and syntactic change
in the history of Greek
Efthymios Sipetzis, University of Cambridge |
Locative prepositions, predicate
inversion and Full Interpretation
Arhonto Terzi, Technological Educational Institute of Patras |
Long distance scrambling and anaphora
George Tsoulas, University of York |
Towards an account of
acronyms/initialisms in Greek
Elli Vazou & George J. Xydopoulos, University of Athens &
University of Ioannina |
The heartbeat of Vlach/Aromanian in
Metsovo, Greece
Andromahi Koufogiorgou, TEE Kisamou, Chania |
The degree of dialectal transference by
Cypriots in a strict Standard Modern Greek context
Androula Yiakoumetti, Andreas Papapavlou and Pavlos Pavlou,
University of Cambridge, UK & University of Cyprus |

Kinds of evidence for linguistic theory
Adriana Belletti, University of Siena |
L2 postcards from the edge
Bonnie D. Schwartz, University of Hawaii |
Crosslinguistic influence in
English-Greek bilingual acquisition
Efrosyni Argyri, University of Edinburgh |
Do bilinguals think differently from
monolinguals? Evidence from non-linguistic cognitive categorisation
of objects in Japanese-English bilinguals
Panos Athanasopoulos, University of Essex |
Articles and clitics in English as L2 or
L3: evidence from Greek and Turkish/Greek speakers
Despina Avgerinou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Acquiring clitics and determiners in
child L2 Modern Greek
Vicky Chondrogianni, University of Cambridge |
The imperfective past in child Greek
Sophia Delidaki, University of Reading |
Voice morphology and the apo-phrase
Georgia Fotiadou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Chinese learners' acquisition of
English Stripping and VPE constructions
Dongfan Hua & Yingua Tian, Shanghai International Studies
University |
Noun and verb comprehension and
production in bilingual individuals with anomic aphasia
Maria Kambanaros, Technological Educational Institute of
Patras |
The effect of instrumentality and
verb-noun name relation on verb retrieval in bilingual Greek-English
anomic aphasic individuals
Maria Kambanaros, Technological Educational Institute of
Patras |
Sentence processing strategies: some
preliminary results on the processing of prepositional phrases in
Kalliopi Katsika, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
The status of the
unaccusative/unergative split in the Croatian-English interlanguage
Tihana Kraš, Research Centre for English and Applied
Linguistics, University of Cambridge |
Examining phonological awareness in
deaf children who are learning to read in a transparent orthography:
evidence from Greek
Evi Kyritsi, Deborah James & Susan Edwards, University of
Reading, University of Newcastle |
“Potizo” or “Potizw”? The influence
of morphology in the processing of Roman-alphabeted Greek
Theodoros Marinis, Angeliki Papangeli & Dora Tseliga,
University of Reading, University College London , Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki |
The role of phonological salience in
the acquisition of past tense morphology by Greek children with
Specific Language Impairment
Maria Mastropavlou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Agrammatism in Greek: aspects of
production and comprehension
Eleni Peristeri, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
The representation of grammatical
gender in the bilingual mental lexicon: the case of cognate and
noncognate nouns
Angeliki Salamoura, University of Cambridge, UK |
On the productivity of the diminutive
suffixation in Greek child language
Evangelia Thomadaki, Democritus University of Greece |
H αναδραστική επίδραση των εξεταστικών
δοκιμασιών στη διδασκαλία της νέας ελληνικής ως ξένης/δεύτερης
Νιόβη Αντωνοπούλου, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης |
The relationship between Iranian
minority speakers' academic achievements and their proficiency in L2
Shahram Ghahraki, Islamic Azad University Khomeinishar
Branch, Iran |
Η διδασκαλία μιας διδακτικής ενότητας
της ελληνικής νοηματικής γλώσσας (Ε.Ν.Γ.) στο πλαίσιο του αναλυτικού
προγράμματος γλωσσικής διδασκαλίας
Μαρία Μερτζάνη, University of Bristol |
Teacher roles and learners’ motivation
– a preliminary investigation of Greek state-school EFL teachers’
Areti-Maria Sougari & Nicos Sifakis, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki & Hellenic Open University |