
Part I
Plenary papers
Johan van der Auwera and Lauren Van Alsenoy
Mapping indefinites: towards a Neo-Aristotelian map
David Newby
Competence and performance in
learning and teaching: theories and practices
Carita Paradis
A dynamic construal
approach to antonymy
Kanavillil Rajagopalan
Prospects for language
studies in our era of globalization
Monika S. Schmid
The theoretical significance
of research on language attrition for understanding bilingualism
Δήμητρα Θεοφανοπούλου-Κοντού
Ποιητικός λόγος, δομικές αποκλίσεις και η θεωρία της Γραμματικής
Part II
Papers in English
Eleni Agathopoulou and Despina Papadopoulou
Probing the adult initial state of non-native Greek: a case
Thomaï Alexiou and Marina Mattheoudakis
Bridging the
gap: issues of transition and continuity from primary to
secondary schools in Greece
Elena Anagnostopoulou and Yota Samioti
Idiomatic meaning and the structure of participles
Georgia Andreou and Fotini Anastassiou
interaction among the three languages of trilingual children
Valandis Bardzokas
The relevance of
Relevance to the study of metacommunicative cause
Christine Calfoglou
Equivalence (?) in
translation: exploring timelines
Maria Chondrogianni
The Pragmatics of
Prohibitive and Hortative in Modern Greek
Maria Christodoulidou
Hyperbole in
everyday conversation
Thomai Dalpanagioti
Building a
bilingual lexical database for motion verbs in English and
Greek: the rationale of a lexicographic project
Efrosini Deligianni
Pragmatic factors that
determine main clause constituent order variation in Greek: a
diachronic perspective
Angeliki Efthymiou
The semantics of
verb-forming suffixes in Modern Greek
Roxani Faltzi
The patterning of
language alternation in a Greek supplementary school
Ioannis Fykias and Konstantinos Sampanis
complementation in the synchrony and diachrony of Greek and in
other Balkan languages
Thanasis Giannaris
The diachrony of ‘BE
+ present participle’ in Greek and Old English: multiple paths
in language change
Eleni Griva and Dora Chostelidou
awareness issues and teachers’ beliefs about language learning
in a Greek EFL context
Konstantinos Kakarikos
Nominal forms in
extra-syntactic constructions in Ancient Greek: the case of the
vocative and exclamative nominative
Maria Kambanaros and Kleanthes K. Grohmann
Patterns of
naming objects and actions in Cypriot Greek children with SLI
and WFDs
Antri Kanikli
Sluicing and
asymmetries in the Cypriot-Greek wh-question formation
Kalliopi Katsika
Attachment preferences
and corpus frequencies in PP ambiguities: Evidence from Greek
Despina Kazana
Referential agreement in
Modern Greek coordinate nouns
Axiotis Kechagias
The Syntax-Information
Component Interface: on the properties of V-initial Orders in
Manuela Korth
The relationship between
stress and syntax in German
Marianna Kyprianou
The Phonetics and
user-friendliness of free online dictionaries: an overview
Maja Marković and Tanja Milićev
The effect of
rhythm unit length on the duration of vowels in Serbian
Maria Mastropavlou, Kakia Petinou and Ianthi
Maria Tsimpli
role of morpho-phonological salience in tense marking: a
comparison between Greek and Cypriot-Greek SLI children
Marina Mattheoudakis and Anna-Maria
Discourse organising nouns in American and Greek university
students’ argumentative essays: a contrastive study
Elizabeth Mela-Athanasopoulou
The function of
semantically motivated suffixes in gender inversion of Modern
Greek derivatives
Myrto Nerantzi
The use of nominal
elements in L2 Greek
Vaia Papachristou
Explicit vs. implicit
pronunciation teaching to Greek children: the case of the
acquisition of English vowels
Tatjana Paunović
Sounds Serbian? Acoustic
properties of Serbian EFL students' speech
Slavica Perović
Apologies – The Montenegrin
way of dispreferred
Nicos C. Sifakis
Greek state-school
teachers’ educational priorities: a preliminary review
Areti-Maria Sougari
Student teachers’
decision-making skills in relation to lesson planning: The
impact of a practicum
Pepi Stavropoulou and Dimitris Spiliotopoulos
Prosodic realization of Topics
Alexandros Tantos
Textlinguistic analysis
of Events: a paradox
Dina Tsagari
Washback of a
high-stakes English exam on teachers’ perceptions and practices
Eleni Tsiartsioni
Can pronunciation
be taught? Teaching English speech rhythm to Greek students
Marina Tzakosta
L1 transfer in L2
learning: compound forms in the speech of Turkish learners of
Carla Vergaro
Referential, vague or impersonal? Pronominal reference and
Evidence from the academic writing of Italian students of
Jeroen Vis
Synchrony in diachronic
analysis: the interpretation of <w> in Mycenaean Greek
Part III
Papers in Greek
Γιώργος Β. Γεωργίου
Γλώσσα και ισχύς σε
μια δίκη φόνου στην Κύπρο: η χρήση της διαλέκτου και η εναλλαγή
Mαρία Καμηλάκη
Η ποικιλία [± ΛΟΓΙΟ]
σε μηνύματα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου (e-mails): ανάλυση
εμπειρικών δεδομένων από τη νεανική επικοινωνία
Αικατερίνη Μυτούλα
Ισοδύναμες παροιμίες της ελληνικής και της αγγλικής
Σουζάνα Παντελιάδου και Κυριακούλα Μ. Ρόθου
Η ανάπτυξη της
μορφολογικής επίγνωσης στα ελληνικά: μία διερευνητική μελέτη
Αγγελική Ι. Σακελλαρίου και Άννα Αναστασιάδη-Συμεωνίδη
Κριτήρια παρουσίασης και αξιολόγησης δίγλωσσων λεξικών
Μαρία Τσομπάνογλου
Αξιολόγηση της
εγκυρότητας κριτηρίου του Κρατικού Πιστοποιητικού Γλωσσομάθειας
της Αγγλικής Γλώσσας