Tatiani Rapatzikou

Tatiani Rapatzikou is Associate Professor at the department of American Literature and Culture, School of English, AUTh. She holds an M.A. (1996) from Lancaster University in Contemporary Literary Studies and a Ph.D. (2001) in Contemporary American Literature from the University of East Anglia, Norwich, England. For her Ph.D. research she was funded by the Board of Greek State Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y). Also, she received the Arthur Miller Centre Award (2000) and the BAAS Short Term Travel Award (2000) for her research in the U.S.A. and Canada. In summer 2009, she was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the M.I.T. Comparative Media Studies program. In Spring 2012, she was a Visiting Research Scholar at Duke University Program in Literature. Ιn Winter 2016, she was a Visiting Research Scholar at York University, Toronto, Canada, for her research in urban digital narratives. She teaches courses on 20th century American literature and culture. Her research interests are in Contemporary American Literature and the New Media, Postmodern Fiction and Poetry, the Technological Uncanny, and Cyberculture/Cyberpunk (with emphasis on William Gibson).

She is the co-director of the American Studies Resource Portal and the co-editor of ECHOES the online creative writing magazine of School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She is the co-ordinator of the internationally-funded project as part to the Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund 2012 with the participation of the Fulbright Foundation with the title "Urban Environments in Transition". 

She is also one of the chief editors of Ex-Centric Narratives: Journal of Literature, Culture, and Media, an open access journal of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and a member of the Digital Studies Network of the European Association for American Studies (EAAS).

Tel: +30-2310-997414
Email: trapatz@enl.auth.gr



  1. “Locative Media and Narrative in North American Literature and Culture” (Vassileios Delioglanis, IKY Funding; 2020)
  2. “Conceptualizing the Diva: Representations of Black Female Music Stars in American Popular Culture” (Vasilis Harisis; 2019)
  3. “Rethinking the Print Novel: Multimodality and Experimentation in Contemporary American Fiction”(Thomas Mantzaris; 2019)
  4. “Experimental Poetics and Materialities in the Works of Susan Howe, Stephanie Strickland, and Caitlin Fisher” (Elissavet Pournara, IKY Funding; 2018)
  5. “Stephen King and the Construction of Authorship as a Mass-mediated Process” (Despoina Feleki; 2015)


  1. “Virtual Reality, Escapism and Nostalgia in Contemporary American Literature and Culture Narratives” (Paschalia Mitskidou)
  2. “Urban (Re)mappings: Literary and Artistic Trends in 21st Century New York City” (Maria-Virginia Tsikopoulou)
  3. “Surveillance and Culture in American Literature and Culture in the 21st Century” (Maria Giannouli)
  4. “Decoding Digital Iteractivity: A Critical and Interdisciplinary Exploration of Interactive Fiction” (Evgenia Kleidona)
  5. “Anglophone Literature and Digitality in English Language Learning” (Vassiliki Karanika)




  1. Mπέτι Ράϊαν και Χένρι Μιλερ / Betty Ryan and Henry Miller
    Καϊρειος Βιβλιοθήκη 2024 / Kaireios Library 2024
    (Δίγλωσση έκδοση / Βilingual edition)
    (Βραβείο Ακαδημίας Αθηνών 2024 / Academy of Athens Award 2024)



  1. Gothic Motifs in the Fiction of William Gibson.
    Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi Editions, 2004.


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  1. Χω/ορο-γραφώντας την Αμερική
    (Greek Publication)
    HELAAS Digital Publishing – National Documentation Center, 2023.


  1. Electronic Wastelands? Information Management, Cultural Memory, and the Challenges of Digitality
    (Co-edited with Stefan Brandt and Frank Mehring)
    Spec. issue of AmLit: American Literatures Journal
    Graz: University of Graz, 2023.


  1. Απ-εικονίσεις της Αμερικής [Visualizing America]
    (Greek Publication)
    HELAAS Digital Publishing – National Documentation Center, 2021.


  1. The Cultural Politics of Space
    (Co-edited with Effie Yiannopoulou)
    Spec. issue of Gramma: Journal of Theory and Criticism
    Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2020.


  1. Ethnicity and Gender Debates: Cross-Readings of American Literature and Culture in the New Millennium
    (Co-edited with Ludmila Martanovschi)
    Berlin: Peter Lang, 2020.


  1. Digital Literary Production and the Humanities.
    (Co-edited with Philip Leonard. Assistant Editor: Despina N. Feleki)
    Spec. issue of GRAMMA.
    Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2016.

  1. Ex-Centric Narratives: Identity,Multivocality and Cross-Culturalism.
    (co-edited with Smatie Yemenedzi-Malathouni and Eleftheria Arapoglou)
    Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012.


  1. Re-Inventing/Re-presenting Identities in a Global World.
    (co-edited with Smatie Yemenedzi-Malathouni and Eleftheria Arapoglou)
    Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012.


  1. Representational and Literary Futures: American Writing in the New Millennium.
    Spec. issue of Writing Technologies (online journal). Vol.3 (2010).
    (Co-edited with Arthur Redding)


  1. Revisiting Crisis/Reflecting on Conflict: American Literary Interpretations from World War II to Ground Zero.
    (Co-edited with Aliki Varvogli. Assistant Editor: Eleftheria Arapoglou)
    Spec. issue of GRAMMA.
    Thessaloniki: Artistotle University of Thessaloniki, 2008.


  1. Anglo-American Perceptions of Hellenism.
    Newscastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007.


  1. H Αμερικανική Ποίηση στην Ελλάδα / American Poetry in Greece.
    Θεσσαλονίκη: Ελληνική Εταιρεία Αμερικανικών Σπουδών, 2006 (στα Ελληνικά).


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  1. Introduction. Ethnicity and Gender Debates: Cross-Readings of American Literature and Culture in the New Millennium, edited by Tatiani G. Rapatzikou and Ludmila Martanovschi, Peter Lang, 2020, pp.13-21.
  2. “Reading Machines and Reading Subjects in Amaranth Borsuk and Brad Bouse’s Between Page and Screen.” Theodora Tsimpouki and Konstantinos Blatanis, eds. War on the Human: New Responses to an Ever-Present Debate. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017. 100-114.
  3.  “James Schuyler’s Flower Poems and the Urban Pastoral Aesthetic.” Steven Hartman, ed. Contesting Environmental Imaginaries: Nature and Counternature in a Time of Global Change. Leiden and Boston: Brill Rodopi, 2017. 28-47.
  4. “Anne Carson’s Nox: Materiality and Memory.” Book 2.0, Volume 7, Number 1, (1 April 2017): 57-65.
  5. Introduction: Digital Literary Production and the Humanities.” Special Issue of GRAMMA: Journal of Theory and Criticism Τεύχος 23 (2015). (Συνεπιμέλεια με Philip Leonard).
  6. «Τυπογραφικοί πειραματισμοί και η υλική διάσταση της ποιητικής γραφής στην ποίηση του Βασίλη Αμανατίδη 7: ποίηση για video games». Φάρμακο, Τεύχος 1 (Άνοιξη-Καλοκαίρι 2013): 92-99.
  7. “Introduction: The Intricacies of Global Identities.” Ex-Centric Narratives: Identity, Multivocality and Cross-culturalism. Palo Alto, CA: Academica Press LLC, 2013. 1-20. (Co-editing with Smatie Yemenedzi-Malathouni and Eleftheria Arapoglou).
  8. «Τυπογραφικοί πειραματισμοί και η υλική διάσταση της ποιητικής γραφής στην ποίηση του Βασίλη Αμανατίδη 7: ποίηση για video games» [“Typographical Experimentations and the material dimension of poetic writing in Vassilis Amanatidis’ book poem 7: Poetry for Video Games]. Φάρμακο [Pharmako], Issue 1(Spring-Summer 2013): 92-99.
  9. Introduction: Re-Negotiating Identity and Re-Assessing Globality. Re-Inventing/Re-Presenting Identities in a Global World. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012. ix-xxv. (Co-editing with Smatie Yemenedzi-Malathouni and Eleftheria Arapoglou).
  10. Introduction. Revisiting Crisis/Reflecting on Conflict: American Literary Interpretations from World War II to Ground Zero. Spec. issue of GRAMMA: Journal of Theory and Criticism (2008): 7-19. (Co-editing with Aliki Varvogli).
  11. «Ανασκευάζοντας την Ιστορία τη δεκαετία του 60’: Το Παράδειγμα του Νόρμαν Μέιλερ στο μυθιστόρημα Ένα Αμερικανικό Όνειρο». Τάσεις και Προοπτικές των Αμερικανικών Σπουδών στην Ελλάδα . Επιμ. Ελευθερία Αράπογλου. Θεσσαλονίκη: Ελληνική Εταιρεία Αμερικανικών Σπουδών, 2008. 121-37.
  12. «Μεταμοντέρνα Αμερικανική Ποίηση και Πολιτική: Άλλεν Γκίνσμπεργκ, Αμίρι Μπαράκα και Γουάντα Κόουλμαν». Δια-Κείμενα Τεύχος 9 (2007): 123-38.
  13. “Viral Seduction and “penetrated” Bodies in Rob Hardin’s Poetry.” The Body and The Book: Writings on Poetry and Sexuality. Eds. Glennis Byron and Andrew Sneddon. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi Editions, 2008. 157-72.
  14. Introduction. Anglo-American Perceptions of Hellenism. Ed. Tatiani G. Rapatzikou. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007. ix-xix.
  15. “The politics of novel writing in the era of digital technologies: the example of Mark Danielewski’s House of Leaves.” Politics and Aesthetics. Ed. Litsa Trayiannoudi Thessaloniki: University Studio Press, 2007. 183-94.
  16. “Authorial Identity in the Era of Electronic Technologies.” Authorship in Context: From the Theoretical to the Material. Eds. Kyriaki Hadjiafxendi and Polina Mackay. London: Palgrave, 2007. 145-62.
  17. «Οι Ποιητές της Σχολής της Νέας Υόρκης: Πειραματισμός και Πρωτοπορία». Η Αμερικανική Ποίηση στην Ελλάδα / American Poetry in Greece. Επιμ. Τατιανή Ραπατζίκου. Θεσσαλονίκη: University Studio Press, 2006. 49-62.
  18. Εισαγωγή. H Αμερικανική Ποίηση στην Ελλάδα / American Poetry in Greece. Επιμ. Τατιανή Ραπατζίκου. Θεσσαλονίκη: University Studio Press, 2006. 11-16.
  19. “Editorial: The American culture-industry of image-making; part III.” European Journal of American Culture 24:3 (2005): 173-77. (Co-editing with Kyriaki Hadjiafxendi).
  20. “Editorial: The American culture-industry of image-making; part II.” European Journal of American Culture 24:2 (2005): 87-90. (Co-editing with Kyriaki Hadjiafxendi).
  21. “Editorial: The American culture-industry of image-making; part I.” European Journal of American Culture 24: 1 (2005): 3-10. (Co-editing with Kyriaki Hadjiafxendi).
  22. “Saul Bellow.” The Essentials of Literature in English, post-1914. Ed. Ian Mackean. London: Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd, 2005. 21-22.
  23. “Robert Frost.” The Essentials of Literature in English, post-1914. Ed. Mackean. London: Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd, 2005. 52-53.
  24. “Vladimir Nabokov.” The Essentials of Literature in English, post-1914. Ed. Mackean. London: Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd, 2005. 110-12.
  25. “Sylvia Plath.” The Essentials of Literature in English, post-1914. Ed. Mackean. London: Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd, 2005. 123-25.
  26. “Ezra Pound.” The Essentials of Literature in English, post-1914. Ed. Mackean. London: Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd, 2005. 126-28.
  27. “Stelarc’s Techno body and Multimedia Performance.” Gramma: Journal of Theory and Culture Vol.11 (2003): 67-78.
  28. “Chronology.” Edgar Allan Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories. Ed. David Galloway. Harmondsworth: Penguin Classics, 2003. xi-xv.
  29. “Suggested Further Reading.” Edgar Allan Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories. Ed. Galloway. Harmondsworth: Penguin Classics, 2003. lvi-lviii.
  30. “ ‘Remember the Future’: The emergence of a new “terminal” identity and Orlan’s surgical body art.” Biotechnological and Medical Themes in Science Fiction. Ed. Domna Pastourmatzi. Thessaloniki: University Studio Press, 2002. 474-87.
  31. «Τα πολλαπλά προσωπεία της Επιστημονικής Φαντασίας» (εισαγωγή αφιερώματος). Διαβάζω Τεύχος 432 (Σεπτέμβριος 2002): 96-97. Επίσης επιμελήτρια όλου του αφιερώματος.
  32. “Visualizations of Cyber-Gothic Bodies in William Gibson’s Trilogy and the Art of the Graphic.” Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction Vol.30, No.83 (Autumn 2001): 73-87.
  33. “Contemporary Gothic Visualizations in William Gibson’s Trilogy and the Art of the Graphic Novel.” Exploring Cyber Society: Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural Issues. Eds. John Armitage and Joanne Roberts. Vol. 2. Newcastle: University of Northumbria, 1999. 1-10.


  1. «Απεικονίζοντας την πολλαπλότητα της καθημερινότητας: Συνομιλώντας με ένα ποίημα του Τζον Άσμπερι». Xάρτης [Ηartis], 39, 2022.
  2. Rapatzikou, Tatiani G. “Reading Digital Poetry: The cases of Between Page and Screen and ‘slippingglimpse’.” The Online Journal for Arts and Culture “Piron,” vol.20, 2021.
  3. “Jonathan Safran Foer’s Tree of Codes: Book Design and Digital Sculpturing.” Book – Material – Text: Essays on the Materiality, Mediality and Textuality of the (e)Book. Edited by Stephanie Heimgartner and Christian Bachmann. Germany: Open Monograph Press RUB, 2016. <http://omp.ub.rub.de/index.php/RUB/catalog>
  4. “Language Amplifications and Visualizations in Michael Joyce’s was and Alexandra Grant’s babel.” Synthesis Issue 6 (2014). Oκτ. 2014. Special issue with the title Acting (on) the Text: the Case of New Media. Edited by Eve Kalyva and Christos Physentzides <http://synthesis.enl.uoa.gr/journal/tatiani-rapatzikou.html>
  5. "Introduction: Representational and Literary Futures, American Writing in the New Millennium". Writing Technologies Vol. 3 (2010): 1-10. (Co-edited with Arthur Redding).
  6. "Introduction - Representational and Literary Futures: American Writing in the New Millennium.” Writing Technologies Vol. 3 (2010): 1-10. 30 Dec. 2010. <http://www.ntu.ac.uk/writing_technologies/current_journal/107432.pdf>
  7. “'Print Novels and the Mark of the Digital': Mark Z. Danielewski’s Only Revolutions (2006) and Media Convergence.” Cybercultures: Exploring Critical Issues. Ed. Daniel Riha and Anna Maj. 30 Aug. 2009 <http://www.inter-disciplinary.net>
  8. “Margaret Atwood: Oryx and Crake.” The Literary Encyclopaedia and Literary Dictionary. Ed. Robert Clark. England: University of East Anglia. 24 Sept. 2007 <http://www.LitEncyc.com>
  9. “The Conceptions and Misconceptions of Writing Technologies.” Writing Technologies. Eds. Philip Leonard and Daniel Cordle. University of Nottingham Trent. Mar. 2007 <www.ntu.ac.uk/writing_technologies/Currentjournal/Rapatzikou/51358p.html
  10. “Mona Lisa Overdrive.” The Literary Encyclopaedia and Literary Dictionary. Ed. Robert Clark. England: University of East Anglia. 7 Feb. 2005 <http://www.LitEncyc.com>
  11. “Count Zero.” The Literary Encyclopaedia and Literary Dictionary. Ed. Clark. England: University of East Anglia. 25 March 2004 <http://www.LitEncyc.com>
  12. “Burning Chrome.” The Literary Encyclopaedia and Literary Dictionary. Ed. Clark. England: University of East Anglia. 10 May 2004 <http://www.LitEncyc.com>
  13. “William Gibson.” The Literary Encyclopaedia and Literary Dictionary. Ed. Robert Clark. England: University of East Anglia. 17 Ιουνίου 2003 <http://www.LitEncyc.com>
  14. “Neuromancer.” The Literary Encyclopaedia and Literary Dictionary. Ed. Clark. England: University of East Anglia. 11 Ιουλίου 2003 <http://www.LitEncyc.com>


  1. Walter Kalaidjian, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Poetry. Νew York: Cambridge University Press, 2015. <https://journals.openedition.org/ejas/12437> 16 May 2018. (Βook review essay for the European Journal of American Studies).
  2. Σακελλίου, Λιάνα. Πορτρέτο πριν το σκοτάδι. Αθήνα: Τυπωθήτω, 2010. <http://www.poeticanet.gr/portreto-prin-skotadi-lianas-sakellioy-a-1573.html?category_id=405> 31 Ιανουαρίου 2016. (Book review essay for the online poetry magazine Poeticanet, Issue 25)
  3. Clarke, Edward. The Later Affluence of W.B.Yeats and Wallace Stevens. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. <http://ejas.revues.org/10124> 27 Sept. 2013. (Reviewed for European Journal of American Studies).
  4. «Οι εκδοτικές περιπέτειες της Εμιλυ Ντίκινσον: Από τη συγγραφική φαντασία στην εκδοτική πειθαρχία» [“Emily Dickinson’s Publishing Adventures: From the Creative Imagination to the Publishing Constrictions”]. The Athens Review, Issue 4 (June 2013): 31-32. (in Greek)
  5. Baelo-Allué, Sonia. Bret Easton Ellis’s Controversial Fiction: Writing Between High and Low Culture. London and New York: The Continuum International Publishing Group, 2011. <http://ejas.revues.org/9993> 17 Apr. 2013. (Reviewed for European Journal of American Studies).
  6. David Sanders. A Divided Poet: Robert Frost, North of Boston, and the Drama of Disappearance. <http://ejas.revues.org/9708> 26 March 2012. (Reviewed for European Journal of American Studies).
  7. Copestake, Ian D. The Ethics of William Carlos Williams’s Poetry. Rochester, New York: Camden House, 2010. <http://ejas.revues.org/9175> 2 Sept. 2011. (Reviewed for European Journal of American Studies).
  8. Mackay, Polina and Kathryn Nicol, eds. Kathy Acker and Transnationalism. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. <http://ejas.revues.org/8452> 31 May 2010. (Reviewed for European Journal of American Studies).
  9. Eeckhout, Bart and Edward Ragg, eds. Wallace Stevens Across the Atlantic. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. 27 July 2009. (Reviewed for the European Journal of American Studies).
  10. Pursell, Carroll W. American Technology. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, 2000. <www.americansc.org.uk> Sept. 2005. (Reviewed for American Studies Resources Centre, Liverpool, U.K.).
  11. Tanner, Tony. The American Mystery: American Literature from Emerson to DeLillo. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge UP, 2000. <www.americansc.org.uk> Sept. 2005. (Reviewed for the American Studies Resources Centre, Liverpool, UK).
  12. Charles E. Gannon. Rumors of War and Infernal Machines. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2003. <www.symbiosisonline.org.uk> Νov. 2005. (Reviewed for Symbiosis Journal, U.K.).
  13. Bottalico, Michele, ed. Literature and the Visual Arts in 20th-Century America. Italy: Palomar, 2002. <www.eaas.info/reviews/bottalico.htmJune 2004. (Reviewed for European Association for American Studies).
  14. Nelson, Victoria. The Secret Life of Puppets. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England: Harvard University Press, 2001. <www.eaas.info/nelson.htm>  Oct. 2004. (Reviewed for European Association for American Studies).


  1. BAAS (British Association for American Studies)
  2. EAAS (European Association for American Studies) - EAAS Secretary General 2014-2022.
  3. ΕLO (Electronic Literature Organization)
  4. MLA (Modern Languages Association)
  5. HELAAS (Hellenic Association for American Studies), HELAAS Vice 2019-present day, HELAAS President 2014-2018, 2012-2014; HELAAS Secretary 2003-2005; HELAAS Treasurer 2005-2007 & 2007-2011; HELAAS LIST-SERV Co-Administrator 2005-2007 & 2007-present day.