Zoe Detsi
Zoe Detsi is Professor of early American Literature and
Culture at the School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She
holds a Ph.D. in Early American Theatre from Aristotle University. She has been
teaching and researching in the fields of 18th- and 19th-century American
culture and ideology. Her publications include articles on American drama and
American political ideology, 18th- and 19th- century American theatre and gender,
race and ethnic concerns.
Tel: +30 2310 99 7448
Fax: +30 2310 99 7432
Forgotten Ladies: Early American Women Dramatists, 1750-1860.
New York: Garland, 1998.
Edited volumes
Detsi, Zoe and David Roessel.
The Cultural Politics of American Relief Efforts in Greece. Ex-Centric
Narratives: Journal of Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media, vol. 6
Detsi, Zoe.
The Greek
War of Independence and the United States: Narratives of Myth and Reality.
European Journal of American Studies 17.1 (2022).
Detsi, Zoe and Maria Schoina, eds. Mapping New Trends: Greek
Scholarship in Anglophone Studies. Gramma 26 (2019).
Detsi, Zoe and Savas Patsalidis, eds. The Viewing of Politics
and the Politics of Viewing. Gramma 24 (2017).
Detsi-Diamanti, Zoe, Katerina Kitsi-Mitakou, Effie Yannopoulou,
eds. The Future of Flesh: A Cultural Survey of the Body. New
York: Palgrave/ Macmillan, 2009. 1-15.
Detsi-Diamanti, Zoe, Katerina Kitsi-Mitakou, Effie Yannopoulou,
eds. The Flesh Made Text: Cultural and Theoretical Returns to the
Body. New York: Peter Lang, 2007. 1-10.
Detsi-Diamanti, Zoe, Katerina Kitsi-Mitakou, Effie Yannopoulou,
eds. Wrestling Bodies/Wrestling Theories, Gramma: Theory
of Literature and Culture 11 (2003). Thessaloniki: University
Studio Press, 2004.
Articles in Journals and volumes
Δέτση, Ζωή. "Φυλετικές Αναπαραστάσεις του Άλλου: Branden Jacobs-Jenkins An
Octoroon (2014)." Σκηνή 15 (2023): 105-119.
Detsi, Zoe.
“Greek exceptionalism” and American cultural diplomacy: Mordecai M. Noah’s The
Grecian Captive; or, The Fall of Athens (1822). Special Issue “The
Greek War of Independence and the United States: Narratives of Myth and Reality,”
European Journal of American Studies 17.1 (2022)
Detsi, Zoe. “The Technology of Orgasm: Sexuality, Maternity, and Hysteria in
Sarah Ruhl’s In the Next Room, or The Vibrator Play (2009).” WiN: The EAAS
Women’s Network Journal 2 (2020).
Detsi, Zoe. “Age and Politics in Early American Drama.” Critical Stages
20 (2019)
“American Theatre and the Quest for a Republican Identity: Judith S. Murray’s
The Medium; or, Virtue Triumphant (1795).” The Politics and Polemics
of Gender in Early American Theatre. Ed. Verena Holztrattner, Leopold
Lippert, Ralph J. Poole, Michael Streif. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter,
«Αμερικανικό Θέατρο και Ιδεολογία:(Ανα)παραστάσεις της Εθνικής
Ταυτότητας». Απ-εικονίσεις της Αμερικής. Επιμ. Τατιανή Γ. Ραπατζίκου και Σμάτη Γεμενετζή-Μαλαθούνη. Θεσσαλονίκη: Ελληνική
Εταιρεία Αμερικανικών Σπουδών, 2017.
“Free Labor, (Sub)Human Identity, and ‘Inalienable Rights’: Henry
Grimm’s The Chinese Must Go (1879).” War on the Human: New
Responses to an Ever-Present Debate. Ed. Theodora Tsimpouki and
Konstantinos Blatanis. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing,
2017. 191-213.
«Δημοκρατικές αντιπαραθέσεις και θεατρικοί πειραματισμοί: Το μετα-επαναστατικό
θέατρο της Αμερικής». Πρακτικά Ε’ Θεατρολογικού Συνεδρίου. Θέατρο
και Δημοκρατία. Επιμ. Αλεξία Αλτουβά, Καίτη Διαμαντάκου, Εύα
Στεφανή. Αθήνα: Τμήμα Θεατρικών Σπουδών, ΕΚΠΑ, 2016.
Sarah Pogson’s The Female Enthusiast (1807) and American
Republican Virtue.” Polish Journal of American Studies 8
(2014): 17-32.
“Legal Exclusion vs. Republican Inclusion in Judith S. Murray’s
The Traveller Returned (1796).” The Letter of the Law:
Literature, Justice and the Other. Ed. Stamatina Dimakopoulou,
Christina Dokou, Efterpi Mitsi. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2013.
“Travelling Across the Nation: Chinese Migration and the American
Western Plays of the 1870s.” Mobile Narratives: Travel, Migration,
and Transculturation. Ed. Eleftheria Arapoglou, Mónika Fodor,
and Jopi Nyman. New York: Routledge, 2013.
“‘The youth grasp the sword and for battle prepare’:” Patriotic
revival and national optimism in Mary Carr’s The Fair Americans
(1815).” Forever Young? The Changing Images of America. Ed.
Philip Coleman and Stephen Matterson. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag,
“Homogenizing the Masses: American Republican Ideology and
the Threat of ‘intemperate democracy’ in Robert Munford’s The
Patriots (ca 1777).” GRAMMA 18 (2010): 31-48.
“Ethnicity and the Republican National Body: Americanizing
‘Paddy’ in Early American Plays, 1789-1825.” Making National
Bodies. Ed. Stefan L. Brandt and Astrid Fellner.
Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009.
“Staging Working-Class Culture: Benjamin A. Baker’s A Glance at
New York (1848).” Hungarian Journal of English and American
Studies 15. 1 (2009): 11-26.
“Burlesquing ‘Otherness’ in Nineteenth-Century American Theatre:
The Image of the Indian in John Brougham’s Met-a-mora; or, The
Last of the Pollywogs (1847) and Po-Ca-Hon-Tas; or, The
Gentle Savage (1855).” American Studies 48:3 (2008):
“(Re)Considering American Studies in Greece.” European Journal
of American Studies (2006):
“Politicizing Aesthetics: The Politics of Violence and Sexuality
in Colonial and Revolutionary Representations of America as an
Indian Woman.” The Anachronist 12 (2006): 61-78.
“Visions of Blackness: Ideology and the Other in Nineteenth-Century
American Drama.” Ideology and Aesthetics in American Literature
and Arts. Ed. Jaroslav Kusnir. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag, 2005.
“The Drama of Colonialism: National Identity and the Construction
of the Indian/Other in Early Nineteenth-Century American
Plays.” Prospects 30 (2005): 1-24.
“Early American Women’s Romantic Tragedies and the Rhetoric of
Republicanism: The Case of Charlotte Barnes’ Octavia Bragaldi
(1837).” Women’s Contribution to Nineteenth-Century American
Theatre. Ed. Miriam Lopez and Lola Narbona. Biblioteca Javier
Coy d’ estudis nord- Americans. Universitat de València, 2004.
“The Language of Assent: Republican Rhetoric and the Metaphors of
National Redemption in American Revolutionary Drama.” American
Drama (Special Issue: American Drama and American Wars) 13
(2004): 1-30.
“Bio-Slavery, or The Cannibalistic Quest for Longevity:
Harvesting for Human Organs in Manjula Padmanabhan’s Drama.”
Biotechnological and Medical Themes in Science Fiction. Ed.
Domna Pastourmatzi. Thessaloniki: University Studio Press, 2002.
“Το Μελόδραμα και ο ‘Εκδημοκρατισμός’ της Αμερικανικής
Κοινωνίας.” Μελόδραμα Ειδολογικοί και Ιδεολογικοί Μετασχηματισμοί.
Επιμ. Σάββας Πατσαλίδης και Αναστασία Νικολοπούλου. Θεσσαλονίκη: University Studio Press, 2001. 123-62.
“Το Λαϊκό Θέατρο τον 18ο και 19ο Αιώνα: Η Γέννηση της
Αμερικανικής Μουσικής Κωμωδίας.” Ιστορίες και (Μυθ)Ιστορίες: Made
in the U.S.A. Επιμ. Σάββας Πατσαλίδης και Γιούλη Θεοδοσιάδου.
Θεσσαλονίκη: Ελληνική Εταιρία Αμερικανικών Σπουδών, 2000. 135-56.
“Republican Rhetoric and Gender Ideology in Mercy O. Warren’s
Romantic Tragedies, The Sack of Rome and The Ladies of Castile
(1790).” American Drama 8 (1998) 1-25.
Invisible Women: Pioneering Female Playwrights in Early American
Theater, 1780-1860.” Women, Creators of Culture. Ed. E.
Georgoudaki and D. Pastourmatzi. Aristotle University: Hellenic
Association of American Studies, 1997. 283-89.
“Seduction, Revenge, and Suicide in Julia Ward Howe’s Leonora;
or, The World’s Own.” New England Theater Journal 7
(1996): 57-75.
“Mercy Otis Warren: Her Political Self and Her Personal Dilemma.”
Gramma 2 (1994): 35-45. “Beginnings of American Feminist Theater:
Julia Ward Howe’s Protest Play Leonora.” Nationalism and
Sexuality: Crises of Identity. Ed. Y. Kalogeras and D.
Pastourmatzi. Aristotle University: Hellenic Association of American
Studies, 1995. 81-87.
Review of: Thomas A. Foster, ed. Women in Early America,
New York: New York UP, 2015, European Journal of American Studies
(Feb. 2016). URL:
Review of: Robert S. Allison, The American Revolution: A Concise
History, New York: Oxford UP, 2011, European Journal of American
Studies (Sept. 2014). URL:
Review of: Faye E. Dudden, Women in American Theatre:
Actresses and Audiences, 1790-1870. American Studies 40.1
(1999): 132-33.
Conferences and Symposia
21-22/3/2021, Symposium, The Greek War of Independence and the United
States: Myths and Reality, organized by the School of English, Auth, to
commemorate the bicentennial anniversary of the Greek Revolution 6/4/2019,
International conference, Feminism and Technoscience, organized by the
School of English, Auth, and the EAAS Women’s Network, with the presentation:
“The Technology of Orgasm: Sexuality, Maternity, and Hysteria in Sarah Ruhl’s In
the Next Room, or The Vibrator Play (2009)”
14/9/2018, International Conference Greek American Relations: Evolving
Regional Challenges and Opportunities, organized by the University of
Macedonia and the University of Piraeus, with the presentation: “The Reception
of the Greek War of Independence by American Writers.”
24/4/2018, Symposium Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy.
organized by the American Consulate of Thessaloniki, with the presentation:
“Theatre as Cultural Diplomacy.”
3/3/2016, Seminar Romanticism, organized by the Macedonian
Museum of Contemporary Art, with the presentation: “The Impact of Romanticism on
the formation of the American National Identity.”
29-30/9/2016, International conference The Politics and Polemics of
Gender in Early American Theatre, organized by Salzburg University with the
presentation: “Theatrical Nationalism and Gender Identity: Judith S. Murray’s
The Medium; or, Virtue Triumphant (1795).”
15-17/5/2015, International conference Rethinking Democracy in
Literature, Language, and Culture, organized by the School of English, AUTH,
with the presentation: “‘Securing the Revolution’: Early American Theatre and
the Performance of Democracy.”
27-29/11/2014, International conference The War on the Human: Human
as Right, Human as Limit, and the Task of the Humanities, organized by the
School of English at the University of Athens, with the presentation: “Free
Labor, (Sub)Human Identity, and ‘Inalienable Rights’: Henry Grimm’s The Chinese
Must Go (1879).”
5-8/11/2014, 5th National Theatre Conference Theatre and
Democracy organized by the Department of Theatre at the University of Athens
with the presentation: “Democratic Discrepancies and Theatrical Experimentations
on the Post-revolutionary American Stage.”
28–30/5/2012, IV International Conference of American Drama and
Theatre: The Romance of Theatre: American Drama and Its Stories,
organized by the University of Seville with the presentation: “Sarah Pogson’s
The Female Enthusiast (1807) and the Romance of American Republicanism.”
30/3- 3/4/2012, EAAS Biennial Conference: The Health of the Nation.
Izmir, Ege University. Workshop 11: “American (Anti) Theatricality and Contagion:
Staging the Health of the Nation,” with the presentation: “William Wells Brown’s
The Escape; or, A Leap for Freedom (1858) and the Disease of Slavery.”
30/9/2011, Symposium Απ-εικονίσεις της Αμερικής, organized by
the Hellenic Association for American Studies with the presentation: “American
Theatre and Ideology: (Re)presentations of American National Identity.”
5- 8/5/2011, HASE International Conference: The Letter of the Law:
Law Matters in Language and Literature, organized by the School of English
at the University of Athens, with the presentation: “Legal Exclusion vs.
Republican Inclusion: Early American Drama and the Politics of Discrimination.”
16-20/6/2010, MESEA International Conference: Travel, Trade, and
Ethnic Transformations. Pécs, Hungary, with the presentation: “Chinese
Migration, Labor, and the Myth of the West: American National Identity and the
Western Plays of the 1870s.”
26-29/3/2010, EAAS Biennial Conference: “Forever Young”? The
Changing Images of America. Workshop 18: Rhetorical Constructions of Youth
from the American Revolution to the Civil War, organized by the University of
Dublin, with the presentation: “‘The youth grasp the sword and for battle
prepare’: Patriotic revival and national optimism in Mary Carr’s The Fair
Americans (1815).”
30/5 – 1/6/2008, HASE International Conference: The Individual and
the Mass, organized by the School of English, AUTH, with the presentation:
“Homogenizing the masses: American Republican Ideology and the Threat of
‘intemperate democracy’ in Robert Munford’s The Patriots (ca 1777).”
9-12/5/2008, EAAS Biennial Conference: E Pluribus Unum or E
Pluribus Plura? Workshop 2: Staging the Nation: The Theater of American
Identities, organized by the University of Oslo, Norway, with the presentation:
“Staging National Identity and Working-Class Culture: Benjamin A. Baker’s A
Glance at New York (1848) and the American Urban Plays.
Supervisor of Doctoral Dissertations
- Narratives of Punishment: Society and the Death Penalty in
Contemporary Anglophone Plays (completed 14/1/2021)
- The Power of Camp-loitation: Dazzling the Gay Audiences in
Contemporary Music Stage (completed: 4/6/2019)
- In Times of Ghosts: Nationalism, War, and Repression in Contemporary
Theatre (since 25/1/2018)
- Social Media Dominance: A Theatrical Response to a Human Crisis
(since 25/1/2018)
- Inter/Nationalizing the Spectacle: The Politics of Spectatorship in
Neo-Burlesque Performance (since 28/1/2016)
Reader and member of the Evaluation
Committee of Doctoral Dissertations
- “Lying in a Bed of Ancient Ruins”: Charles Mee Revisits Greek
Drama (completed: 2019)
- Negotiating the Life Fantastic: The Interplay of Narrative and
Culture in Tabletop Role-Playing Games (completed 2019)
- Latino/a Reception of Greek Tragic Myth: Healing (and) Radical
Politics (completed: 2018)
- Language Acquisition via Drama (completed: 2018)
- Performing cancer: toward an aesthetic of the unpresentable
(completed: 2017)
- Native American Autobiography: The Communitist Perspective in
William Apess, Charles Eastman, Sarah Winnemucca and Zitkala-Ša
(completed: 2016)
- Novels of Return: Ethnic Space in Contemporary Greek-American and
Italian-American Literature (completed: 2011)
- Phenomenological Explorations in Harold Pinter’s Dramatic and
Filmic Works (completed: 2009)
- The theatre of Theodoros Terzopoulos: (inter)cultural dimensions,
(ex)centric directions (completed: 2005)
Other Academic Activities
- Co- chief editor of Gramma: Journal of Theory and Criticism
(e-ISSN: 2529-1793)
- Co-Organizer of Summer Schools:
- Health – Culture – Healing (June 28 – July 4, 2019),
School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
- Discussing Gender: Challenges and Conflicts (June 27
– July 3, 2018), School of English, Aristotle University of
- Exploring Conflict, Sharing a Future in a World in
Transition (June 26 – July 1, 2017), School of English,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
- Crossing Borders and Civic Engagement in a Changing World
(June 29 – July 7, 2016), School of English, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki.
- Globalization and Participatory Learning: Literature and
Culture in a Media World (June 29 – July 4, 2015), School of
English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
- Member of the Organizing Committee of International
- The Politics of Space and the Humanities (Dec. 15
– Dec. 17, 2017), School of English, Aristotle University of
- Rethinking Democracy in Language, Literature, Culture
(May 15 – May 17, 2015), School of English, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki.
- The Viewing of Politics and the Politics of Viewing:
Theatre Challenges in the Age of Globalized Communities
(April 18 – April 20, 2013), School of English, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki.
- The Flesh Made Text: Bodies, Theories, Cultures in
the Post-Millennial Era (May 15 – May 18, 2003), School
of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Administrative Work
- Director of the Department of American Literature
(2014-16, 2017-2019)
- Co-Director of the MA program “Anglophone
Literatures and Cultures” (2014-16), School of English,
- Co-Director of the MA Program “English and American
Studies,” (2018 - ) School of English, AUTH
- Director of the Interdepartmental MA Program
“European Literature and Culture,” (2015-19), Faculty of
Philosophy, AUTH
- Coordinator of the Internal Evaluation Committee of
the School of English, AUTH